Aspergillus Genome Database

2021 年 3 月 5 日2680

New and Noteworthy

Aspergillus annotation updates

The reference gene sets in AspGD have been updated, based on PASA analysis conducted by AspGD in 2015. The following changes were made:

A. nidulans - 5 new features were added, and 4 former pseudogenes were reannotated as uncharachterized ORFs;

A. fumigatus - 2,473 features were affected: 59 new features were added; the sequences for 242 features were extended and 154 shortened; 4 features were merged to create 2 new features; 1,757 5-prime UTRs and 1,333 3-prime UTRs were added or modified; terminal exons were added to 313 features; the intron/exon structure was modified for 389 features;

A. niger - two new features were added (An11g02363 and An17g02286);

A. oryzae - 7,279 features were affected: 287 new features were added; the sequences for 706 features were extended and 192 shortened; 192 features were merged to create 93 new feature; 5,141 5-prime UTRs and 5,213 3-prime UTRs were added or modified; terminal exons were added to 897 features; the intron/exon structure was modified for 500 features.

Please, visit the Chromosome History page to review the changes.

(Posted September 15, 2015)

AspGD Curation News

A.nidulans Genome

Snapshot A.fumigatus

Genome Snapshot A.niger Genome Snapshot A.oryzae Genome Snapshot

New papers added to AspGD this week.

View Genome-wide Analysis papers in


AspGD and FungiDB integration

AspGD data are being integrated into FungiDB. Please click here for additional details.

Discussion of how to maximize the value of FungiDB for the Aspergillus research community will be a major topic at the upcoming

AsperFest12 meeting at Asilomar (March 16-17, 2015).

An open letter to the Aspergillus research community on genome database resources:

As many of you may already be aware, the NIH R01 research grant that has supported development of the AspGD database will not be


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