ASP.NET MVC:消息组件获取验证消息

2018 年 3 月 1 日1980

  【IT168技术】在项目开发中,我们会使用到很多的描述性文字,比如验证消息、错误消息和确认消息等,让这些文本消息具有可维护性具有重要的意义。虽然我们可以将它们存储于资源文件中,并且ASP.NET的ValidationAttribute也对这种方式提供了原生的支持。但是资源文件的每个条目仅仅是简单的键-值对,只能存储消息的文本值而已,在我们的项目开发中使用的是专门的一个维护消息的组件。在这篇文章中将会通过扩展现有的ValidationAttribute特性让ASP.NET MVC应用可以使用我们的消息组件来获取验证消息。[源代码从这里下载]




  1: public class MessageManager

  2: {

  3: static Dictionarystring, string> messages = new Dictionarystring, string>();

  4: static MessageManager()

  5: {

  6: messages.Add(RequiredField, The \{0}\ is mandatory!);

  7: messages.Add(GreaterThan, The \{0}\ must be greater than \{1}\!);

  8: messages.Add(LessThan, The \{0}\ must be less than \{1}\!);

  9: }

  10: public string GetMessage(string messageId, params object[] args)

  11: {

  12: return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, messages[messageId], args);

  13: }

  14: public static MessageManager Current = new MessageManager();

  15: }



  1: public class ExtendedValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute

  2: {

  3: public ExtendedValidationAttribute(string messageId, params object[] args):

  4: base(()=>MessageManager.Current.GetMessage(messageId,args))

  5: {

  6: }

  7: }




  1: [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]

  2: public class RequiredAttribute : ExtendedValidationAttribute

  3: {

  4: public bool AllowEmptyStrings { get; set; }

  5: public RequiredAttribute(string messageId, params object[] args) :

  6: base(messageId,args)

  7: {}

  8: public override bool IsValid(object value)

  9: {

  10: return new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute {AllowEmptyStrings = this.AllowEmptyStrings }.IsValid(value);

  11: }

  12: }

  13: [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]

  14: public class RangeAttribute : ExtendedValidationAttribute

  15: {

  16: private System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute innerRangeAttribute;

  17: public RangeAttribute(double minimum, double maximum, string messageId, params object[] args) :

  18: base(messageId, args)

  19: {

  20: innerRangeAttribute = new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute(minimum, maximum);

  21: }

  22: public RangeAttribute(int minimum, int maximum, string messageId, params object[] args):

  23: base(messageId, args)

  24: {

  25: innerRangeAttribute = new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute(minimum, maximum);

  26: }

  27: public RangeAttribute(Type type, string minimum, string maximum,string messageId, params object[] args) :

  28: base(messageId, args)

  29: {

  30: innerRangeAttribute = new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute(type, minimum, maximum);

  31: }


  33: public override bool IsValid(object value)

  34: {

  35: return innerRangeAttribute.IsValid(value);

  36: }

  37: }


  接下来我们来演示上面定义的两个验证特性在ASP.NET MVC项目中的应用。我们先定义如下一个实体类型Person,RequiredAttribute和RangeAttribute分别应用在表示名字、年龄和体重的Name、Age和Weight三个属性上。具体的验证规则是:名称是必需的,年龄必须大于18周岁而体重不得终于160斤。表示验证消息的ID和站位符对象数组作了相应的设置。


  1: public class Person

  2: {

  3: [Required(RequiredField,Name)]

  4: public string Name { get; set; }

  5: [Range(18,int.MaxValue,GreaterThan,Age,18)]

  6: public int Age { get; set; }

  7: [Range(int.MinValue, 160, LessThan, Weight, 160)]

  8: public double Weight { get; set; }

  9: }

  在创建的ASP.NET MVC项目中添加下一个HomeController。


  1: public class HomeController : Controller

  2: {

  3: public ActionResult Index()

  4: {

  5: return View(new Person { Name = Zhan San, Age = 24, Weight = 120 });

  6: }


  8: [HttpPost]

  9: public ActionResult Index(Person person)

  10: {

  11: if (this.ModelState.IsValid)

  12: {

  13: throw new NotImplementedException();

  14: }

  15: return View();

  16: }

  17: }



  1: @model Artech.Web.Mvc.Extensions.Person


  3: @{

  4: ViewBag.Title = Index;

  5: }


  7: h2>Indexh2>

  8: @using (Html.BeginForm())

  9: { 10: @Html.EditorForModel()

  11: input type=submit value=Save />

  12: }


ASP.NET MVC:消息组件获取验证消息

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