
2012 年 11 月 8 日7360

























Powered by Apache::ASP

Powered by ModPerl and Apache

Powered by Perl

NodeWorks Link Checker


The installation process for Apache::ASP is geared towards those

with experience with Perl, Apache, and unix systems. For those

without this experience, please understand that the learning curve

can be significant. But what you have at the end will be a web site

running on superior open source software.

If installing onto a Windows operating system, please see the section

titled Win32 Install.

Need Help

Often, installing the mod_perl part of the Apache server

can be the hardest part. If this is the case for you,

check out the FAQ and SUPPORT sections for further help,

as well as the "Modern Linux Distributions" notes in this section.

Please also see the mod_perl site at http://http://www.zjjv.com///

which one ought to give a good read before undertaking

a mod_perl project.

Download and CPAN Install

You may download the latest Apache::ASP from your nearest CPAN,

and also:



As a Perl developer, you should make yourself familiar with

the CPAN.pm module, and how it may be used to install

Apache::ASP, and other related modules. The easiest way

to install Apache::ASP for the first time from Perl is to

fire up the CPAN shell like:

shell prompt> perl -MCPAN -e shell

... configure CPAN ...

... then upgrade to latest CPAN ...

cpan> install CPAN


cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP

Installing the Apache::ASP bundle will automatically install

all the modules Apache::ASP is dependent on as well as

Apache::ASP itself. If you have trouble installing the bundle,

then try installing the necessary modules one at a time:

cpan> install MLDBM

cpan> install MLDBM::Sync

cpan> install Digest::MD5 *** may not be needed for perl 5.8+ ***

cpan> install Apache::ASP

For extra/optional functionality in Apache::ASP 2.31 or greater, like

support for FormFill, XSLT, or SSI, you can install this bundle via CPAN:

cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra

Regular Perl Module Install

If not doing the CPAN install, download Apache::ASP and install it using

the make or nmake commands as shown below. Otherwise, just

copy ASP.pm to $PERLLIB/site/Apache

> perl Makefile.PL

> make

> make test

> make install

* use nmake for win32

Please note that you must first have the Apache Web Server

& mod_perl installed before using this module in a web server

environment. The offline mode for building static html at

./cgi/asp-perl may be used with just perl.

Modern Linux Distributions

If you have a modern Linux distribution like CentOS or Ubuntu,

you will likely have the easiest path by using the repository tools to

automatically install mod_perl and Apache before installing Apache::ASP via CPAN.

For example for CentOS, this will install mod_perl into your 版全 httpd, the latter

likely being installed already by default on your server:

bash> sudo yum install mod_perl-devel.x86_64

For Ubuntu this would be done like this:

bash> sudo apt-get install lib版全2-mod-perl2

Quick Start

Once you have successfully built the Apache Web Server with mod_perl,

copy the ./site/eg/ directory from the Apache::ASP installation

to your Apache document tree and try it out! You must put "AllowOverride All"

in your httpd.conf <Directory> config section to let the .htaccess file in the

./site/eg installation directory do its work. If you want a starter

config file for Apache::ASP, just look at the .htaccess file in the

./site/eg/ directory.

So, you might add this to your Apache httpd.conf file just to get

the scripts in ./site/eg working, where $DOCUMENT_ROOT represents

the DocumentRoot config for your 版全 server:

<Directory $DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp/eg >

Options FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride All


To copy the entire site, including the examples, you might

do a raw directory copy as in:

shell> cp -rpd ./site $DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp

So you could then reference the Apache::ASP docs at /asp/ at your site,

and the examples at /asp/eg/ .

This is not a good production configuration, because it is insecure

with the FollowSymLinks, and tells Apache to look for .htaccess

which is bad for performance but it should be handy for getting

started with development.

You will know that Apache::ASP is working normally if you

can run the scripts in ./site/eg/ without any errors. Common

problems can be found in the FAQ section.

Build static Apache and mod_perl for Apache 1.3.x

For a quick build of 版全, there is a script in the distribution at

./make_httpd/build_httpds.sh that can compile a statically linked

Apache with mod_ssl and mod_perl. Just drop the sources into the

make_httpd directory, configure the environments as appropriate,

and execute the script like this:

make_httpd> ./build_httpds.sh

You might also find helpful a couple items:

Stas's mod_perl guide install section

Apache Toolbox

People have been using Apache Toolbox to automate their

complex builds of Apache 1.3.x with great success.

Win32 / Windows Install

If you are on a Win32 platform, like WinNT or Windows 2000,

you can download the win32 binaries linked to from:

and install the latest perl-win32-bin-*.exe file.

Randy Kobes has graciously provided these, which include

compiled versions perl, mod_perl, 版全, mod_ssl,

as well as all the modules required by Apache::ASP

and Apache::ASP itself.

After installing this distribution, in Apache2\conf\perl.conf

(pulled in via Apache2\conf\httpd.conf) there's directives that

have Apache::ASP handle files placed under the Apache2\asp\

directory. There should be a sample Apache::ASP script there,

printenv.html, accessed as

which, if working, will print out your environment variables.

WinME / 98 / 95 flock() workaround

For those on desktop Windows operation systems, Apache::ASP v2.25 and

later needs a special work around for the lack of flock() support

on these systems. Please add this to your Apache httpd.conf to

fix this problem after mod_perl is installed:


*CORE::GLOBAL::flock = sub { 1 };


PerlModule Apache::ASP

Please be sure to add this configuration before Apache::ASP is loaded

via PerlModule, or a PerlRequire statement.

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