ASP Introduction

2012 年 9 月 9 日7060

ASP Introduction

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An ASP file can contain text, HTML tags and scripts. Scripts in an ASP file are executed on the server.

What you should already know

Before you continue you should have some basic understanding of the following:

A scripting language like JavaScript or VBScript

If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on our Home page.

What is ASP?

ASP Compatibility

What is an ASP File?

How Does ASP Differ from HTML?

When a browser requests an HTML file, the server returns the file
When a browser requests an ASP file, IIS passes the request to the ASP engine. The ASP engine reads the ASP file, line by line, and executes the scripts in the file. Finally, the ASP file is returned to the browser as plain HTML

What can ASP do for you?


Note: Because ASP scripts are executed on the server, the browser that displays the ASP file does not need to support scripting at all!

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The HTML Certificate documents your knowledge of HTML.

The CSS Certificate documents your knowledge of advanced CSS.

The JavaScript Certificate documents your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML DOM.

The jQuery Certificate documents your knowledge of jQuery.

The XML Certificate documents your knowledge of XML, XML DOM and XSLT.

The ASP Certificate documents your knowledge of ASP, SQL, and ADO.

The PHP Certificate documents your knowledge of PHP and SQL (MySQL).

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