All About ASP

2012 年 11 月 8 日3,2580



Why people like ASP

posted by admin in Uncategorized

Many people like ASP because it is one of the easiest scripting packages they can find. It is also easy to use, and it does not need someone to learn a new or different scripting language. This makes it easier for people to use it.Other people also like it because it is flexible as well as being easy to use to create web applications. It is because it allows designers and programmers an easy time to do their work that they like it.



Top Ten ASP Tips to Boost Performance

posted by admin in Uncategorized

There are literally thousands of ASP tips, tricks and insights populating all four corners of the web, so to make things a little easier to digest the following comprises ten of the very best tips for boosting ASP performance to the net level and beyond. Discard HttpModules Not in Use – You might find that there is an abundance of HttpModules not being used by the given application by examining Machine.Config. If so, remove and any all that are not being used to benefit overall speed and performance. Smaller Pages – The smaller the page, the faster and more efficiently is will perform across the board. As such, be sure to remove as many tab characters and spaces as possible to ease network traffic.



Top Ten ASP Tips to Boost Performance

posted by admin in Uncategorized

There are literally thousands of ASP tips, tricks and insights populating all four corners of the web, so to make things a little easier to digest the following comprises ten of the very best tips for boosting ASP performance to the net level and beyond. Discard HttpModules Not in Use – You might find that there is an abundance of HttpModules not being used by the given application by examining Machine.Config. If so, remove and any all that are not being used to benefit overall speed and performance. Smaller Pages – The smaller the page, the faster and more efficiently is will perform across the board. As such, be sure to remove as many tab characters and spaces as possible to ease network traffic.



The BASICs of Computer Programming.

posted by admin in Uncategorized

Whenever I hear people calling ASP a ‘classic computer language’, I cannot help but chuckle to myself. Why? Well, because I am old enough to remember a far more ‘classic computer language’, that’s why! Back when I was in my early teens we used something called ‘Basic’ to write our programs (this was even employed for game making purposes at the time!). And believe me, Basic made ASP look like something from the very distant future!!! Oh, people have it all so easy today yet they don’t even know it!



The Secret Code

posted by admin in Uncategorized

I have always been fascinated with what goes on behind a system. I mean when you tap a button on the computer screen, how does it do a specific function. The search for an answer took me to the world of code writing that was quite fascinating to say the least. I first went through the programming of a software program specifically designed for red diesel suppliers aimed to help them keep a track of their diesel sales. It also helped them project the sales for any given moth on the basis of previous monthly and yearly sales data.



Classic ASP, Still a Classic Server-Side Scripting Language

posted by admin in Uncategorized

Learning server side scripting has always been one of the things many Web designers usually fancy. Some of them end up learning some basic level PHP so that they can earn their livelihood without much trouble. After all, in this era of cut-throat competition your clients, customers, and employers expect you to be master of everything. Good thing is, it doesn’t really take a lot of struggle to master server side scripting anymore; thanks to the early server side scripting languages such as ASP.



Pigeon post to broadband

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Pigeon post to broadband

Many moons ago, when the internet had just about crossed its infancy, a heaven sent window opened up for people to access the net – dialup internet access through the land phone. This was like manna for people who, since the beginning of time, had to wait for news or any sort of information. With the internet opening up, everything was so instantly available as to render the past decade almost cave like.

Though received with disbelief and happiness, the



ASP Is Dead? Says Who?

posted by admin in Uncategorized

ASP Is Dead? Says Who?

The world of computer programming language, especially code and scripts used on the server side, is a closed book for average users of computers and the internet. They may recognize R4 flash cards but may not know what ASP stands for.

In such a scenario, it is not surprising that there are many misconceptions surrounding such languages. One common misconception is that the .asp extension is dead. Many persons read this and presume that something better must have come up.



Demystifying coding

posted by admin in Uncategorized

I’m not silly, I know that HTML seems completely inaccessible to people who know nothing about computers. You know you get computer guys who talk about this kind of thing like everyone will understand? Well that’s not me. I realise this because every day I get emails and phone calls from people absolutely confused by that thing called code.

So here, now, I have chosen to try and unravel some of those mysteries. Read the following and it’ll not only



Education at our fingertips

posted by admin in Uncategorized

Education at our fingertips

Life around the globe is becoming very fast paced; we live in what could be called a fast food culture. When someone desires something they want it immediately. The internet has allowed people to instantly access their bank accounts, send mail (email), communicate with old friends, design custom signs look up travel information and virtually anything else. Decades ago to purchase anything you had to go somewhere outside the comfort of your house, now you can but it online and

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