Ministero degli Affari Esteri

2012 年 9 月 8 日7970

Entering Italy

Versione italiana

All foreigners intending to enter Italy must provide the documentation required to justify the reasons and duration of their stay as well as, in some prescribed cases, the availability of adequate economic means and lodging.

In some cases you need a visa, application for which can be made at the Italian Diplomatic and Consular Representations in your country of residence.

Do you need a visa?

Visit the web site to:
- find out whether, depending on your citizenship, country of long-term residence, and the duration and reasons for your stay, you need a visa to enter Italy.
- find out which documents are required in order to apply for your visa.

Be advised:
presentation of the documentation requested does not necessarily ensure issuance
of the visa

Where to apply for a visa

List of Italian Embassies and Consulates

Please note that Honorary Consulates do not issue visas. Their sole task is to supply information and/or receive visa applications on behalf of the Consulate to which they are subordinate.

Visa Fees

Important information for foreigners

    When entering Italy, even if you have already obtained a visa, the border authorities are authorised to check the documentation required for obtaining the visa itself.
    Pursuant to article 4, paragraph 2 of Consolidated Text no. 286/98 and subsequent amendments, concomitant with the issuance of your visa you will receive a written communication from the diplomatic or consular authority illustrating the rights and obligations associated with your entrance and stay in Italy, with particular regard to the procedures envisaged for requesting a "Permesso di soggiorno" (permission to stay) or the issuance of a "Dichiarazione di presenza" (statement of presence).

For further information on entrance visas for Italy and the Schengen area click here.

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