What Is An .asp File Extension File?

2012 年 10 月 27 日8130

What Is An .asp File Extension File?

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Purpose of .asp fie extension files

.asp (Active Server Page) files are similar to html files and are generally associated with web-based applications provided on a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).

ASP is a programming language from Microsoft and is used to build websites. An ASP page is a server generated web page, which implies that the Web Server, unlike in case of HTML page processes the source code in an .ASP file and then the resulting HTML is sent to the user via his/her web browser. As an ASP page is processed on the Web server, the end users do not see the actual ASP code but only the resulting HTML.

What are the programs that can be used to open .asp files?

If you use the Windows operating system, you can open .asp files, using any of the below mentioned programs:

Mac OS users can use any of the following programs to open .asp files:

Common reasons for errors with .asp files

Shared below are three common reasons due to which you may receive an error while opening an .asp file:

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One Response to What Is An .asp File Extension File?

    muzaffar says:

    November 15, 2011 at 5:07 am

    good solution for understanding the file extensions

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