Inside the Great Wall:Hong Kong/China Property Daily

2015 年 12 月 20 日3520

Anthony Neoh expects stock connect to be launched in spring 2016.

Mr. Anthony Neoh, consultant of the CSRC said currently the technical issuesof the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect have been ready and is pendingfor the decision form the authority. He said the HK Stock Exchange would liketo have the programme launched as soon as possible. He expects the stockconnect will be launched in spring 2016. Media reported that, Mr. Neohexpected earlier that the stock connect will be launched around 1Q to 2Q2016. Moreover, he added that after the resumption of the IPO, the launch ofthe stock connect would be smooth. (Oriental Daily).

Ba Shusong: China’s property market to bottom out in 2016.

Mr. Ba Shusong, a well-known economist said the property market in Chinawill be bottomed out in 2016 and the declined in property investment will bestopped. He said it is now difficult for all participants to make money in theproperty industry. He added that Tier-1 cities will be stable and upgradingdemand will be the mainstream. However, Tier-3/4 cities are still facing theproblems of high inventory and low demand. (Hexun).

Subsidy on public rental house to be commenced in Beijing on 16 Nov.

The new policy of subsidizing citizens living in public rental housings in Beijingwill be implemented on 16 Nov. Citizens with per capita income of the family islower than RMB2,400 per month (during the 12-months period prior to theirapplications) , and not owning any housings, with household assets for three /four people families under RMB570k / RMB760k, their families will be eligibleto apply for the subsidy on public rental units. (JRJ).

ASP for 5 major estates in New Territories East fell below HK$10,000psf.

As of Nov-6, among the 25 CCL-constituent estates in New Territories East, 5estates (or 20%) have registered an ASP below HK$10,000psf, up from just 1estate (4%) as recorded 2 months ago. Of which, Belair Gardens in Sha Tinregistered the latest ASP of HK$9,802psf, down 7.9% from Sept. According toproperty agents, the current asking prices in the estate start from HK$5mn (orASP of HK$10,800psf), which is some 10% less than the peak level. This wasfollowed by Flora Plaza, another major estate in Fanling, which saw a 7.7%drop in ASP to HK$9,529psf since Sept. In the meantime, among the 100-constituent CCL estates, in total 21 estates have registered an ASP belowHK$10,000psf, representing some 21% of total. Most of such estates (16estates) were located in New Territories West. (Oriental Daily).

Weekend sales volume in major 10 estates remained low at 6 units.

According to Midland, 10 major estates registered sales on only 6 secondaryunits, flat WoW. Of which, 5 estates saw no transaction during the period. Theproperty consultant commented that the strong sales performance of the 2new projects, namely Wheelock’s CAPRI and Kerry (0683.HK)’s Bloomsway, attheir first launch indicated that the developers’ pricing strategies and additionalpayment options are effective in driving the demand. They expect the demandin the secondary market would continue to be diverted to the primary market.


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