ASP Drive Object

2012 年 10 月 22 日5710

ASP Drive Object

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The Drive object is used to get information about a local disk drive or a network share.


Try it Yourself - Examples

Get the total size of a specified drive

How to get the total size of a specified drive.

Get the available space of a specified drive

How to get the available space of a specified drive.

Get the free space of a specified drive

How to get the free space of a specified drive.

Get the drive letter of a specified drive

How to get the drive letter of a specified drive.

Get the drive type of a specified drive

How to get the drive type of a specified drive.

Get the file system of a specified drive

How to get the file system of a specified drive.

Is the drive ready?

How to check whether a specified drive is ready.

Get the path of a specified drive

How to get the path of a specified drive.

Get the root folder of a specified drive

How to get the root folder of a specified drive.

Get the serialnumber of a specified drive

How to get the serialnumber of a specified drive.

The Drive Object

The Drive object is used to return information about a local disk drive or a network share.

The Drive object can return information about a drive's type of file system, free space,

serial number, volume name, and more.

Note: You cannot return information about a drive's content with the

Drive object. For this purpose you will have to use the Folder object.

To work with the properties of the Drive object, you will have to create an

instance of the Drive object through the FileSystemObject

object. First; create a FileSystemObject object and then instantiate the Drive object

through the GetDrive method or

the Drives property of the FileSystemObject object.

The Drive object's properties are described below:


Property Description


Returns the amount of available space to a user on a

specified drive or network share


Returns one uppercase letter that identifies the local

drive or a network share


Returns the type of a specified drive


Returns the file system in use for a specified drive


Returns the amount of free space to a user on a

specified drive or network share


Returns true if the specified drive is ready and false if



Returns an uppercase letter followed by a colon that

indicates the path name for a specified drive


Returns a Folder object that represents the root folder of a specified



Returns the serial number of a specified drive


Returns the network share name for a specified drive


Returns the total size of a specified drive or network



Sets or returns the volume name of a specified drive

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