African summit concludes with adoption of 3 documents, focuses on NAASP

2015 年 11 月 15 日4260

JAKARTA, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Thursday declared the conclusion of the two-day Asian-African summit which adopted three important outcome documents.

The summit promised to reinvigorate the New Asian African Strategic Partnership (NAASP).

"We have successfully adopted three important outcome documents: the Bandung Message, the Declaration on Reinvigorating the New Asian African Strategic Partnership (NAASP) and the Declaration on Palestine," said the Indonesian president at the closing ceremony of the summit.

Co-chairman of the summit Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe said that Asian and African countries will pursue a fair multilateral trading system to contribute to growth, investment and job opportunities, as well as promotes sustainable development.

He mentioned that the summit recognized the centrality of the maritime sector as well as the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean in bridging the economic development in Asia and Africa.

"Maritime cooperation will become one of the pillars of the New Asian African Strategic Partnership," he said.

The leaders have agreed to reinvigorate the core ideas of the South-South movement, namely prosperity, solidarity and stability of the Asian and African nations, said Mugabe, adding "We agreed to foster trade and investment as the engine for growth."

The Indonesian president said that leaders and delegates from Asian and African countries worked hard to produce concrete steps in ensuring the financial availability for infrastructure development, among others through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

"I will work hard with all of you to ensure the materialization of the strategic partnership," said Widodo.

Telling reporters at the end of the two-day meeting, Widodo emphasized the importance of strengthening South-South Cooperation through initiatives and programs of capacity development as well as technical cooperation.

"As I have said that countries located around equator have central role to strengthen this cooperation," he said.

Bandung Spirit is still relevant as the world is still imbalanced, far from fairness and peace, said Joko.

The summit has successfully set up real steps to follow up cooperation in concrete ways which are stipulated in declaration of strengthening NAASP, he said.

The summit also sets up operational mechanism on supervision, he said.

Foreign ministers of Asian and African countries are also asked to conduct a meeting in every two years at the sideline of the United Nations Geeneral Assembly meeting in New York, he told reporters.

The leaders also agreed to declare April 24 as Asia-Africa Day and Bandung as the capital city of solidarity of Asia-Africa.

The two-day summit, under the theme "Strengthening South-South Cooperation to Promote World Peace and Prosperity," hosted leaders and delegates from some 100 Asian and African nations, 15 observer countries and 17 international organizations.


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JAKARTA, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo said Thursday that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank could help ensure financial availability for infrastructure development.

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