Supporting ASP

2015 年 8 月 18 日4630

Supporting ASP

At the American School of Paris we want all students to develop their talents, pursue their passions, and find new opportunities to learn and grow. The Advancement Office at ASP is here to support this vision.

The Advancement Office unites all of ASP – our faculty, staff, parents and alumni – to form a community of both do-ers and donors to keep ASP moving forward. Whether our families are with us for two or ten years, they will have many opportunities to become active community members while in Paris and after they depart.

Connecting our Community

Throughout the school year, you will hear from Advancement about volunteering, giving and celebrating.

We hope you join the community spirit!

Interested in lending your time or skills to benefit ASP? Our Community & Alumni Coordinator works with our PFA to help find the right "fit" for each person.

Contactadvancement@asparis.frto find out how you can get involved.

In the fall, our entire ASP community will be invited to make a gift to our annual appeal during our “30 Days in Support of Excellence” campaign. TheExcellence Fundis aunique and valuable resource whichallows us to support extraordinary opportunities that arise throughout the year to further enhance our students' learning experience. The Excellence Fund supports:

Take a look at our 2014-15 brochure and find out more about the reasons to invest in the Excellence Fund!

It’s important for us to gather together as a community to celebrate our accomplishments throughout the year. In the Fall, in partnership with the PFA, we organize welcome events for new and returning families. These events are always well-attended and are great occasions to meet new members of the ASP community or rekindle with old friends after the summer break.

In January, we collaborate with the Board of Trustees to organize ourBonne Annéecommunity cocktail—a wonderful gatheringof parents, faculty and staff, administration and trustees – to celebrate together our remarkably committed and supportive community.

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