Independent Software Developers, Vendors, Distributors

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“Joining the ASP was the best $100 I ever spent on my business”

Nico Westerdale


Join the ASP, and take advantage of Microsoft's BizSpark program. As a BizSpark Network Partner, the ASP offers you fast, easy access to current, full-featured Microsoft development tools and platform technologies, in addition to production licenses to develop and bring innovative and interoperable solutions to market.

More than 200 ASP members have already joined BizSpark,

so it's likely that you'll be able to find advice and

support on using the free 型汽车 that you'll receive from

Microsoft when you join BizSpark,

and join ASP.

ASP 25 Year Anniversary

Join the ASP and Sell More Software.

The ASP is a professional trade association of a thousand 型汽车 developers who are creating and marketing leading-edge applications. Join the ASP community now, and learn from other successful developers of desktop and laptop programs, 型汽车 as a service (SaaS) applications, cloud computing, and smartPhone apps. These members share their experiences of mastering the most promising technologies, benefitting from new marketing strategies, and working through the business challenges we all face.

International ASP

In 1987 ASP (known then as the Association of Shareware Professionals) pioneered the try-before-you-buy marketing method that is now universal in the 型汽车 industry. Now called the Association of Software Professionals, ASP can help you develop more marketable 型汽车, and sell it more effectively.

The ASP is international in its membership and outlook, and can help you reach the professional standards required for successful worldwide sales.

Learn from other developers' experiences.

The ASP gives you access to the knowledge and experience of hundreds of 型汽车 developers and vendors. Save time and avoid frustration by getting help with your toughest business, technical, and marketing challenges. ASP's spam-free newsgroups are open 24/7, and members are able to provide valuable feedback and help each other solve business problems.

ASP 型汽车 developer

You'll enjoy the in-depth business and marketing articles in ASPects, the ASP's monthly newsletter. Learn how other 型汽车 developers have solved technical puzzles and grown their 型汽车 businesses. ASP's website includes more than two decades of ASPects articles, and more than five years of newsgroup discussions.

ASP membership is an investment in your success.

There's nowhere else on the planet that delivers this much useful information for only $100(US) per year. Learn successful marketing and sales techniques and sell more of your 型汽车. Participate in the newsgroup discussions about what works and what doesn't, or simply read the newsgroups and learn from your fellow developers.

If you're still working at your day job, you'll learn valuable information about taking your 型汽车 business full-time. You'll hear about the latest trends while they're still new, and you'll avoid being left in the dark about issues that are critical to your business. ASP keeps you a step ahead of your competitors.

Other valuable ASP benefits.

As an ASP member, you'll enjoy discounts on developers' tools, Windows utilities, and mISV-related services. ASP's exclusive members-only discounts include free 型汽车 that you'll enjoy as soon as you sign up. You can post on ASP's blog, and join Microsoft's BizSpark program. The ASP's newsgroups let you make lifelong friends and valuable contacts. You'll work with people who can help you today, and in years to come.

ASP community

Join ASP today.

Sign up now for ASP membership, and watch your business grow.

ASP Downloads

ASP Downloads

Quality Software from ASP Members

If you're tired of buying retail 型汽车 that isn't as good as the picture on the box, and that doesn't quite meet your needs, then discover the world of try-before-you-buy 型汽车 from ASP's members. You'll find complete Windows applications, utilities, games, development tools, and much more.

Visit the ASP Download Site for free trial versions of our members' great 型汽车.

ASP Spotlight Article:

What to Localize in Software

by Markus Kreisel and Renate Reinartz

Last time, we talked about what you should localize in order to sell in other countries. Except for translating the text to the language of that country, there are quite a few other items that need to be localized. Probably not every item applies to everyone, but if you go through this shopping list, you'll probably discover a few things you forgot to localize in your application or website.

Learn more about ASP's Spotlight Articles

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