Association of Support ProfessionalsTech Support Benchmarks Best Practices

2012 年 10 月 12 日8790 >
Web Support Awards



If you're fine tuning your support site, you know how tough it is
to find examples of best practices, metrics, design guides, or even
hints about what other developers are trying to do these days.

You want to spend your budget implementing great new
ideas—not wrestling with old problems other people have
already solved.

The good news is, there's a wonderful source of helpful
information—a 126-page report called "The Year's Ten Best Web
Support Sites." Published by the Association of Support Professionals,
the ASP's annual "Best Sites" report is full of metrics and
behind-the-scenes advice about how technology companies have taken
good sites and made them much, much better.

Browse this book and you'll get a guided tour of each site's most
important features, complete with detailed screen shots that show
exactly how key elements have been implemented (many of these sites
are password protected, so the general public never sees them). And
you'll hear each site's developers explain their development
strategies, the challenges they overcame, and the reaction they got
from customers.

Moreover, these sites truly define "best practices" in Web support.
They've been chosen by a rigorous review process that looks at 25
different performance metrics, including usability, design,
knowledgebase implementation, interactive features, use of technology,
customer experience, overall strategy, and much more.

"The Year's Ten Best Web Support Sites" is full of the kind of data
you need to forecast call deflection rates and keep complex projects
on track. But perhaps the greatest value you'll get from these top
support sites is the fresh perspectives they can bring to your site
enhancement process. Support managers often pass around a copy of the
"Ten Best Sites" book among team members until it's falling apart.
"People find new ideas and become advocates," one manager says. "They
go off and do more research on their own, and then we really get the
juices flowing."

If you'd like to get your own creative juices flowing, click here to
see a secure order form. We'll
rush a copy to you—and you can discover for yourself what
world-class Web support looks like.


2012 Edition
is shipping now


"Excellent work... Lots of good content that I refer to

—Eric Ornas, Vice President of Operations,
Satori Labs

"We're a fan of your hard metrics... an extremely professional
and valuable analysis that we will use every year as a benchmark
and a source of new ideas for systems and initiatives."

—John Lum, Web Support & Operations
Manager, National Instruments

" impressed with the book that we want copies for all of
our staff."

—Christine Egli, SupportNet Web Site Product
Manager, Mentor Graphics

"This publication has been really helpful for us as we've grown
in the past couple of years. Keep up the good work!"

—Tim Ramas, VP Support Services, InfoTronics

"Very insightful and relevant to our strategic direction."
—Lisa Meyer, Sr. Manager of eSupport, Gateway

"In our eCustomer Support course, the winners described in the
book are analyzed by student teams and serve as the basis for
development of actual eSupport plans."

—Will O'Brien, Adjunct Professor, Bentley

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