Mobipocket ebook Reader

2012 年 10 月 4 日4,3560

Mobipocket ebook Reader for PC

Windows PC

Mobipocket ebook Reader for Blackberry


Over The Air

Mobipocket ebook Reader for Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile

(PocketPC, Smartphone)

Mobipocket ebook Reader for Symbian

Symbian Os

(Nokia Series60, Sony Ericsson UIQ, ...)

Mobipocket ebook Reader for Palm

Palm Os

other Mobipocket ebook Reader

Dedicated ePaper devices

(Cybook, iLiad)

Reader Desktop 6.2
The best digital
bookshelf - now even better


Mobipocket eBook Reader: thumbnail view of eBook library

Mobipocket eBook Reader:
thumbnail view of eBook library

to the easiest way to build, organize, read and annotate your entire eBook
library. Get the Mobipocket eBook Reader on your Windows PC - it's free - and
build up your library of eBooks, RSS eNews and eDocs using the #1 online

"Newspaper" view of RSS eNews

>"Newspaper" view of
RSS eNews

"Wooden bookshelf" view of eBook library

>"Wooden bookshelf"
view of eBook library

Your digital content

Your digital
contentAll your Digital Text, in One Place
Store all your eBooks, eNews & self-published eDocs on
your PC. Download eBooks in Mobi format from your favorite ebookstores to read on your smartphone, PDA,
laptop or on your desktop PC. Add your own published content and documents as
well. Subscribe to free daily updated RSS eNews and read them anytime on any
mobile device. All in one place.

Manage & Organize : Reading
Lists, Ratings, Instant Search...

With the
Mobipocket ebook reader, create reading listswithdigital books from
your library to suit your mood or activities. Edit metadata (title, author,
genre, publisher,....) for each title. Associate custom ratings. Filter, browse
and use the built-in search engine to find instantly any eBook in your library.
The latest version now includesadvancedfiltering and display options
to help you locate any book in seconds. Once you find it, you can read it on
your desktop or to send it to any
mobile devicein one click.

Detailed view of the library

Detailed viewof the library

Connect a device to send your books

Connect a device to send your books

Read eBooks
on your mobile reading device: Sync and Go

Connect your smartphone, blackberryor PDA to your desktop
computer and click any eBook to transfer it.Mobipocket eBook
Readerrecognises your handheld and makes the sending of your books 1-click
simple.Thanks to the latest USB 2.0 technology, it takes less than 8
seconds to transfer a typical eBook.The Mobipocket eBook Reader also
automatically detects removable cards on your mobile device and chooses for you
the best location to send your eBook to. What's more, your eNews and all your
Annotations are synchronized at the same time. You will never loose your notes

Annotate, highlight, bookmark ...

Annotate, highlight, bookmark ...Annotate & Highlight : It's Your BookYou can annotate, bookmark, highlight, any part of any eBook and share
your annotation on every device with Mobipocket ebook reader installed: connect
your device and all your annotations will be synchronized. You can add and delete annotations on
your reading device and on your PC at the same time. Mobipocket eBook
Reader will never lose track ofthechanges and will make sure the most
up to datenotes are always with you. Also, a convenient panel lets you
browse all your annotations while you are reading your eBook. Jump with one click to
the corresponding section of the book you annotated. You can even create your
own custom hyperlinks betweentwo eBooks!

Customize your reading experience src="/wp-content/uploads/20121003/1628557.gif" border=1>

Customize your reading
experienceThe Onscreen Reading Experience
: Better than paper

Customize your reading
experience : paper back page size, full width display, 2 or 3 column display.
The new version even includes an auto-column layout that will automatically
select the column size for optimal readability. Customize the font size,
background color. Use the fullscreen mode and Microsoft ClearType subpixel font
rendering for a fully immersive reading experience. Turn pages witha
keypress or mouse touch, or even use the autoscroll feature if you are too lazy
to turn pages! Change the screen orientation to transform your Tablet PC or your
mobile device into the perfect mobile reading device.

Paperback layout

Full width layout

Two-column layout

Auto-column layout

Mobipocker Reader:
multi-column layout options

Personal eDoc Publishing : Beyond eBooks
Tired of scrolling through this 250 page technical manual
in PDF? We've got the answer. Drag and drop it into the Reader Desktop and read
it on any
mobile device. It also works for Microsoft Office files, including Word,
Excel, PowerPoint and RTF TXT files as well. Youcan compile your favorite
lyrics into an ebook or your best cooking recipes.

Search all your dictionaries at once

Search all your dictionaries at
onceOne Click
Dictionary Lookupin all application: Because it's DigitalClick on
any word to look it up at once in all of your dictionaries. Inflected forms are
recognized automatically: for example "brought" as a conjugation of "to bring".
We have the widest online selection of electronic dictionaries from
authoritative sources:
Merriam Webster and
more. With
bilingual dictionaries, you can even read in a foreign
language without endless thumbing through a heavyweight paper dictionary.

Even better: with Reader 6, you can activate the lookup function in all your
Windows applications. If you need to know what that french web site says about
your latest publication and memories of your French classes are remote, Reader 6
can help. Just select the word in your web browser and press the Mobipocket hot
key. All matches from your Mobipocket dictionaries will appear instantly.

If you want to lookup a word that crosses your mind, Reader 6 now
offers a convenient access to all your dictionaries in one screen:
the multi-dictionary search. It will display matches in all languages and even provide
spell checking if your dictionary supports it. This is the best way to access
your collection of dictionaries from a single place and search them all at once.

Lookup a word in what you are reading

Lookup a word
in what you are reading

Mobipocket Reader Desktop 6.2


Download Mobipocket Reader for Windows PC

Mobipocket Desktop eBook Reader will recognize any reading device on first connection and install the appropriate mobile reader automatically.

Release History

Mac, Linux, Win98/ME users, clickhere for manual install on mobile device

Feature presentations

For Windows PC

All your Digital Text
Manage & Organize
Sync and Go
Annotate & Review
Onscreen Reading
Office & PDF conversion
RSS feeds
Dictionary search

For your Mobile Device
Palm, Windows Mobile,

Blackberry, Symbian

Read on any Device
Immersive Reading
Reading lists
Search & Lookup

Integrated eBookstore

Discover eBooks
Free Books & SamplesEasy to buy
Instant Download
Freedom of choice
Virtual bookshelf

What's new in Reader 6.1?

Streamlineduser interface

Black skin
New eBookstore look
Unified backward/forward navigation
Simplified toolbar
Hidden menu

Improved library

New thumbnail view
Filtering and sorting
Group view

Better book reading experience

Automatic column layout
Turn pages with the mouse
Dynamic layout settings

New uses for dictionaries

Multi-dictionary search
Dictionary lookup from other applications

Easy device connections

Auto-send of new eBooks
Reader install wizard
Syncs with UIQ3 devices
Syncs with Blackberry Pearl
Improved sync reliability
Balloon messages on error

Microsoft Help files (CHM) import

What's new in Reader 5.2?


Read on any device.
250,000 free RSS feeds
Newspaper view My library

New Bookshelf view
Streamlined Look & Feel

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