CSR Schedule of Scientific Review Group Meetings

2012 年 10 月 2 日6950


CSR Study Section Roster Index

Notice of CSR policy to all applicants: All rosters are provided for information purposes only. Do not communicate directly with study section members about your application. Direct all questions only to the SRO in charge of the study section.
Failure to observe this policy strictly will create a serious breach of confidentiality and conflict-of-interest in the peer review process. Likely actions include removal of the investigator's application(s) from immediate review, coupled with delay and deferral of evaluation to a different review group in the following review cycle

Use the links below to navigate to the category of study section rosters of interest

CSR Regular Standing Study Section Rosters

These study sections review most of the Investigator Initiated Research Grant (R01) applications (and sometimes review small numbers of R03, R21, AREA and K applications, amongst others).

Included within this section are several, on-going Special Emphasis Panels (SEPs) that meet regularly for specific scientific areas. These continuing SEPs are composed of temporary members only and do not have a permanent membership.

CSR Fellowship Study Section Rosters

These study sections review individual fellowship grant applications - F30, F31, F32, F33.

CSR SBIR/STTR Study Sections

Small business innovation research and small business technology transfer grant application. review panels are assembled on an ad hoc basis for each meeting; therefore, their designations and scientific emphasis may change with each review cycle.

All Other CSR Study Sections

CSR runs a number of "one time Special Emphasis Panel" meetings with rosters tailored to the applications under consideration. If you cannot find your panel by searching one of the above links, you will find it here. Only the current rosters are provided 30 days before the meeting.

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