Public History Degree Programs

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Where to Study Public History

The following programs offer a wide variety of public history classes, ranging from archival studies to heritage area conservation. Although diverse in requirements and course offerings, programs typically agree that a focus in public history should give the student a strong historical background, as well as prepare her for work in the field of history. Several items were considered while composing our description of the programs at each school:

    Originally, we were most interested in schools that offer degrees in public history. Schools that offer concentrations in public history, as well as degrees in related fields such as archival management, museum studies, or historic preservation, have been added over the past several years; however, our coverage of those programs is not as extensive.

    The amount of course credits required for a degree is noted where applicable. Dual degree programs are also noted.

    The extent to which internships or practica play a role in the program is described. All of these programs stressed the practicality of a degree in public history, so, when applicable, we describe whether a school gives the student a chance to engage in the practice of public history as part of the degree requirement.

    Other requirements such as oral examinations, language requirements, and thesis are also noted.

Schools are organized alphabetically. If the school begins with "University" like "University of Michigan" it is alphabetized by "Michigan" not by "University."

You may also follow one of the links on the right to search for schools in a particular geographic location.

Please Note: Degree and certificate programs change frequently. Although we try to keep our information up-to-date, applicants and current students should always verify information with an official in the program.







University at Albany, SUNY
Public History
Offers an MA in Public History (36 hours, including a six-credit internship) and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Public History (54 hours).

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American University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Degree requirements: 36 hours of required courses including a public history seminar-practicum series (6 hours), a research seminar, and an internship. The flexible program asks students to design their own specialization. Elective courses may be a mix of history and professional courses taken at American and from the wide selection of classes offered through the Washington Consortium. Students are required to pass a comprehensive exam in lieu of writing an MA thesis.

Appalachian State University
MA in Public History
Each degree requires between 30 and 36 hours of course work, depending upon whether or not the candidate writes a thesis. Degree also requires both an oral and written examination.

Arizona State University
MA or PhD in history with a concentration in Public History
The program offers several areas of emphasis: Scholarly Publishing, Historic Preservation, Community History, Historical Administration, the Public Sector, and Museum Studies. In addition to completing a thesis and a 320-hour internship, students attend at least two Short Courses offered by nationally-known, visiting professional historians.

MA in Anthropology with an emphasis in Museum Anthropology and Certificate in Museum Anthropology
MA in Anthropology with an emphasis in Museum Anthropology, or, if the candidate is enrolled in a PhD program in anthropology (or another field), he or she can earn a Certificate in Museum Anthropology.

Scholarly Publishing Certificate
Students take a series of core courses; additional courses in editing, marketing, or design and production; and electives (some of which may be drawn from their major fields). At least one hour of credit must come from a short course taught by a visiting publishing professional. All students complete a 320-hour paid internship (one hour coursework).

University of Arkansas at Little Rock
MA in Public History
The 39-hour MA in Public History degree program has three basic components:

21 core credits, nine traditional history credits, and nine credits towards an applied emphasis in archives, museums, or historic preservation.

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Armstrong Atlantic State University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
A minimum of 36 hours of graduate work as well as a foreign language examination, written comprehensive assessment in the major, and an oral comprehensive assessment. A candidate must register for six hours of thesis credit, six hours of public history internship, or six hours of advanced archeological course work.

Heritage Tourism Certificate
Eighteen credit hours, and the student must be admitted to the School of Graduate Studies on a degree or limited admission basis and have completed requirements for a baccalaureate degree from a regionally-accredited institution.

School of the Art Institute of Chicago
MS in Historic Preservation
Requires 60 credit hours, including six thesis credit hours. Students have a maximum of four years to complete the degree.

Auburn University
MA in History with a concentration in Archival Studies
Requirements include 31 total hours of coursework and a thesis. The four-course sequence in graduate archival education includes: Fundamentals of Archival Theory and Practice; Seminar in the History of Records and Archives; Seminar in Archival Theory and Practice; and an archival internship.

Certificate in Public History
Students who complete the required 12 hours of public history coursework plus 3 hours of a public history internship (HIST 7910), and Historical Methods (HIST 7700) or equivalent, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible to receive a certificate.


Ball State University
MS in Historic Preservation
The curriculum consists of 56 semester hours of graduate credit. It includes 22 hours of core courses in historic preservation; a four-hour internship; six hours of core courses in the history of architecture; one additional course (an elective, three hours) in the areas of history of architecture, historic landscape preservation, or history of urban form; 12 hours of courses giving direction to the preparation of the Master's thesis or creative project, including the topic selection, proposal preparation, principal research, and writing the thesis or project report; and nine hours of electives outside the historic preservation field.

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Bank Street College
MS in Museum Education
Bank Street College offers four options for those interested in Museum Education: Museum Education (non-certification)--42 credits; Museum Education: Childhood (grades 1-6)--47 credits; Museum Education: Middle School (grades 5-9)--50-53 credits; and Leadership in Museum Education--40 credits which requires meeting one weekend a month during the academic year for two years and attending an annual five-day June Institute.

Baylor University
BS, BA, or MA in Museum Studies
Baylor University offers both graduate and undergraduate programs in museum studies in conjunction with the Strecker Museum complex. Students seeking an undergraduate degree in Museum Studies are required to take a minimum of 30 semester hours, which include six semester hours of internship, and are required to choose a second major in an academic field of their interest. Second majors in the social sciences, humanities, communication, or business result in a B.A. degree. Second majors in the natural and physical sciences result in a B.S. degree. A baccalaureate minor in Museum Studies which requires 18 semester hours is also available.

Students earn the Master of Arts degree in Museum Studies by successfully completing 36 semester hours of course work which include six semester hours of museum internship and six semester hours of thesis or master's project. A graduate minor of nine semester hours in Museum Studies is also possible.

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Boise State University
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
Offers an MA in history with an emphasis in Public History, particularly as it pertains to the American West. The program consists of 33 hours of study (including three to six hours of a special project or thesis) which the student designs in conjunction with an advisory committee selected during the first semester. Boise State Masters students pursuing an "applied history" track can incorporate a community-based public history research project.

Boston University
MA in Preservation Studies
Students must complete twelve courses or 48 credits at the 500 level or above, including five 700-level required core courses and a major project. The five required courses are: GRS AM 746 Preservation Management; GRS AM 753 Documenting Historic Buildings; GRS AM 747 Building Conservation; GRS AM 751 Financing for Historic Preservation; and GRS AM 750 Neighborhood Conservation. Students are also required to take two courses in architectural history from those offered by the American and New England Studies Program or the Art History Department. In addition, students will take three or four electives, depending on their plans for a major project.

In addition to coursework, students are also required to complete a three-month, full-time paid internship, usually during the summer after their first year in the program. They must also demonstrate basic competency in a foreign language, either through undergraduate coursework at the intermediate level or by passing a foreign language examination administered by the program.

Bowling Green State University
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
Graduate study in history requires a minimum of 24 hours of undergraduate work in history. A maximum of six hours in related areas may be accepted as part of the 24-hour requirement. Among the course work required for completion of the degree are ten hours in public history courses, a thesis, and an internship involving on-site work experience.

Certificate in Public History
The certificate program consists of seventeen academic credit hours of work. These must include fourteen-sixteen hours of course work plus two-three hours of approved internship credit as a capstone experience as the completion of the graduate certificate program.

University of Bristol
MA in history with unit option in Public History
Students in Masters Degree courses in the Universitys Department of Historical Studies will be able to pursue a 10-week Public History Course in a Theory and Practice module jointly run with a local independent film production company, Icon Films, and the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum. The unit,which includes hands-on experience, is available across the full range of the Department's MA programmes.

University of British Columbia
Master of Archival Studies
Requires 48 credits of coursework. In addition to the 24 credits of required courses, students must take 24 credits of elective courses, six of which may be the six-credit thesis. There is also an elective internship course.

Joint Master in Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies
Requires 81 credits of work and a required non-credit practicum/internship. Students may elect to write a thesis.

Ph. D. in Library, Archival, and Information Studies
The Ph.D. program is designed to provide advanced research training for outstanding students who have already obtained a Master of Archival Studies (MAS) degree or a Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) In addition to required coursework, students are expected to complete comprehensive exams and write a dissertation.

Brown University
MA in Public Humanities
The Masters in Public Humanities combines courses in humanities disciplines with hands-on learning. Students develop expertise in history, literature, archaeology, art history, anthropology, media and performance, and public policy; knowledge of the history, theory and methods of the public humanities; and the practical skills to handle museum artifacts, create exhibits or Web sites, conduct oral histories, undertake historic preservation projects, and manage cultural programs.

Students complete two years of courses, including three required classes (Introduction to American Civilization, Introduction to Public Humanities; and Methods in Public Humanities), nine electives, and two practicums. Partial fellowships are available to most students in the program, in addition to financial support to attend workshops and conferences. Starting in 2007, a new fellowship program will provide full funding for selected students who intend to work in museums and other cultural institutions on issues related to the history and legacy of slavery.


University of California, Los Angeles
Master of Arts in Moving Image Archive Studies
The program is jointly sponsored by UCLA's Film and Television Archive, Department of Information Studies and Department of Film, Television and Digital Media.

A total of 72 units is required, including a minimum of 12 graduate (200- and 500-series) courses.

University of California, Riverside
MA and PhD in Public History
The University of California, Riverside has one of the oldest and most extensive programs in Public History in the nation. Areas of concentration include: museum curatorship, historic preservation, and archival management. The Public History Program offers academic training in History combined with hands-on training in archives, preservation sites, and museums, including UC Riversides California Museum of Photography. M.A. students must complete 40 units, a 10-week internship, and field report; Ph.D. students must complete 56 units.

University of California, Santa Barbara
MA and PhD in Public History
Concentrations are offered in: public policy, community, and business history, and public memory and history presentation. The program offers opportunities to work at the field's flagship journal, The Public Historian, train at UCSB's public history center in Washington, D.C. and take classes in Sacramento through CSU Sacramento's program. An internship, thesis, and thirty-six hours for MA and forty-four hours for PhD are required.

California State University, Chico
Certificate in Public History for undergraduates
Offers a 30-credit certificate in Public History for undergraduates. This certificate program emphasizes the preparation of students for careers in "historic preservation, historic site assessment, archival management, and cultural resources management." A one-semester internship is required.

Certificate in Museum Studies
26-28 units required; 11-13 of which must be taken in the following areas of study--administration; conservation; exhibit design and interpretation; exhibit installation

Certificate in Cultural Resource Management
Twenty-one to twenty-two units required; candidates for the certificate must also prepare and have accepted an Archaeological Environmental Impact Report (EIR) by a federal, state, or private agency.

California State University, Fullerton
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
Requires 30 hours of coursework, including 9 hours of required history classes and 15 hours of history electives, with several Public History courses offered.

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California State University, Sacramento
MA in history with Public History option
The Capital Campus Public History Program offers a two-year course of study leading to the Master of Arts in History with a concentration in Public History. This program requires completion of 36 units of coursework, including 9 units of supervised professional internship, with a minimum 3.0 GPA. It also offers a joint doctorate in Public Historical Studies with UC Santa Barbara.

California State University, San Bernardino
BA in history-Public and Oral History Option
Track C requires 80 units of study, including twelve units of professional practice electives, such as exhibit design and historic preservation, as well as eight units of supervised internship.

Carleton University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Students complete three Public History half-credits, a course in historical practice, and a historiography seminar before proceeding to the summer work placement. They then complete their History Seminar requirement in second year, leading up to a research essay of 75 to 125 pages.

An internship requirement for a paid work placement in the public or private sector, normally to occurs over the summer following the first year of courses.

Carnegie Mellon University
PhD in History and Policy
Offers a Ph.D. (the department does not accept applications from people seeking a terminal Master's degree) in History and Policy (formerly known as Applied History). Within the program, students may concentrate in Environmental and Urban History, Science Technology and Business, or Social Policy and the State. Each of these concentrations is associated with a research center within the department. Program describes itself as " a pioneering effort to link historical training and insights to the systematic analysis of contemporary policy problems."

Central Connecticut State University
MA in Public History
The program requires 33 semester hours (11 classes) divided between traditional academic coursework, specialized seminars in public history and field experience and including a semester-long internship

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MA in Comparative and Public History

The M.A. program in Comparative and Public History is a two-semester course of full-time

study or a four-semester course of part-time study. Students are required to complete a minimum of twenty-four units (equivalent to eight courses) for graduation. Central to the program is one core subject "Perspectives in

Comparative and Public History", that must be taken by all students. There are over forty elective courses offered each year. These courses focus on Comparative and Public History in the contexts of China, Asia and the World. Students can complete the programme entirely in English. They are also offerred a chance to study Chinese Language (Putonghua and Cantonese) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Applicants shall have graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelors degree in any discipline. Applicants who are not graduated from English-speaking countries shall submit a score of English language tests, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT (Verbal).

Clemson University
MS in Historic Preservation
The 54-credit program is structured in sequential layers, beginning with an initial core semester devoted to the analysis and documentation of historic sites, followed by a more advanced studio-focused semester organized around the development of a preservation project. The second year focuses on advanced analysis and conservation studies, followed by a final semester of preservation administration done in conjunction with the student's thesis focus.

Certificate in Historic Preservation
The graduate certificate uses the first semester curriculum of the graduate program in Historic Preservation, otherwise know as the "foundation" semester, as a stand-alone semester in Charleston. This Charleston-based semester focuses on documentation and analysis of the design and craftsmanship of the historic city and exploration of the philosophy of preservation on site.

University of Colorado
MS in Museum and Field Studies
Requires thirty-two credit hours. There are two tracks of study in the program: the Collections/Field track and the Public/Administration track. Students have the option of completing either a Master?s thesis or a Master?s project at the end of their coursework. An off-campus internship is required of all students for completion of the program. A minimum of 150 work hours is required per internship at a cooperating institution.

Professional Certificate in Museology
Requires a minimum of 12 credit hours and 75 hours of internship.

Colorado State University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Within the concentration, students choose to focus on Archives/Records Management, Historic Preservation, or Museum Studies. All options require a minimum of 36 semester credits, including a practicum/internship.

Columbia University
MS in Historic Preservation
60 points are required. During the first year, all degree candidates study methods of documentation and building conservation, American architectural and environmental history, and the theory and practice of historic preservation planning, and participate in two design studios, one of which focuses on preservation planning policy. Submission of a thesis topic is a requirement for registration in the autumn of the second year. Research for the thesis in the autumn of the second year culminates in a report to the thesis adviser; the completed thesis is presented in the spring term.

The remainder of the work consists of lectures, seminars, preservation studios, and laboratory courses in conservation.

All students are required to complete an internship before receiving the degree.

Cooperstown Graduate Program
MA in Museum Studies
Co-sponsored by the New York State Historical Association (NYSHA) and the State University of New York College at Oneonta (SUCO), this two-year program includes an integrated sequence of five courses and also requires both an internship as well as a project or thesis.

Cornell University
MA in Historic Preservation Planning
In the 60-credit program, six core courses are required. With the exception of the thesis, all of these are normally taken in the first year. Students must complete two semesters of course work in American architectural history (unless they studied the subject as an undergraduate). For the balance of required credits in the first year, students take courses in the economics of neighborhood conservation, urban history, real estate development, building materials conservation, preservation law, and community-assisted design.

A Historic Preservation Planning Workshop takes students into the field to conduct a historic resources survey working in any number of cities, towns, and villages in the region.

Second-year students complete a master's thesis in historic preservation planning.


University of Delaware
BS and MS in Art Conservation
Undergraduate students may concentrate in either Pre-Graduate Studies for Art Conservation

or Collections Care. A minimum of 68 hours of credit in graduate school courses is required for the Master of Science degree.

Certificate in Museum Studies
Successful completion of the program is accomplished through twelve (12) credit hours or required course work, including a three-credit-hour internship or its

equivalent. Non-degree certificate-granting component of the graduate degree programs in history, art history, art, business administration, liberal studies, and other academic disciplines.

University of Denver
MA in Anthropology with Concentration in Museum Studies
Sixty credits required for graduation.

MA in Art History with Concentration in Museum Studies
Students take 60 credit hours of coursework (usually 12 courses), including Introduction to Museum Methods, and three of the following: Connoisseurship, Intro to Conservation, Museum Techniques, Museum Management, the Digital Museum, and Museum Internship.

Duquesne University
MA in Public History: Archival, Museum, and Editing Studies
Students take 36 credit hours, focusing on professional courses in two program areas, matched with internships in local institutions. The rest of the program consists of history courses, including the required offering "Historical Perspectives on Commemoration and Preservation in the United States."

Certificate in Archival, Museum and Editing Studies
A non-degree program available to students who already possess an advanced degree in History or a closely related field. Students must complete at least twelve credits in the professional sequence and six additional credits in history courses.


East Carolina University
BS in Public History
Program requires that students meet university general education requirements of 42 semester hours. Core requirements vary and range from 30 to 36 semester hours. The program involves taking a variety of courses from different areas of expertise within the field of history.

MA in history with specialization in Public History
The MA requires 30 semester hours, with candidates specializing in American, European, military, or Public history. A total of 24 semester hours must be taken in the chosen area of concentration. Nine semester hours will be accounted for by thesis and seminar work.

Eastern Illinois University
MA in Historical Administration
Six-month internship required for graduation.

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Eastern Michigan University
MS, Certificate, or undergraduate minor in Historic Preservation
The Master's program requires 36 credits, and students can concentrate in preservation planning, historic administration, or heritage interpretation and tourism.

Emporia State University
MA in history
Offers an MA in history, but for people wishing to pursue careers in archives or museum studies, the program offers internships and a dual degree program with the department of Library Science.


University of Florida
MA in Museum Studies
Forty-eight credits are required for completion. Students select and pursue a disciplinary emphasis of their choice (for example Anthropology, Art Education, Art History, Education, English, History, or Recreation, Parks and Tourism) while participating in comprehensive museum studies seminars, practicum, and internships.

Florida State University
MA in Historical Administration and Public History
Degree requires 44-54 hours of coursework, including an internship and a thesis, and there is also a language requirement. There is a large offering of professional Public History courses. Within the degree, one can also specialize in Museum Studies and Archival Studies, and courses in library science or archaeology can also be taken as part of the degree.

Certificate in Museum Studies
For a certificate in Museum Studies, students must fulfill departmental prerequisites for a graduate degree and complete the following Museum Studies requirements: two core courses, two elective courses, museum career activities and mentor program, internship, and electives and special projects as determined by individual departments.


George Washington University
MA in history with a concentration in historic preservation
This 36-hour degree program combines courses in United States history and historic preservation. It includes at least 18 hours of U.S. social history, U.S. urban history, man-made America, and the seminar sequence in historic preservation.

MA in American Studies with a concentration in historic preservation
Required: 36 credit hours, consisting of 12 hours of American studies courses; 18 hours of historic preservation courses including; an optional thesis (6 hours) or two additional electives. A comprehensive examination is also required.

MA in museum studies
The degree requires a minimum of 42 hours of course work. At least 6 hours must be in museum internships in the Washington area or elsewhere. The student must pass a comprehensive examination based on course work and submit a research paper.

Georgetown University Continuing Education
Certificate in Museum Exhibition Planning and Design
The purpose of the certificate program is to provide professional exhibition planning and design training and skills to students interested in pursuing work in the museum field or other cultural fields. The program consists of three curricular components--two courses and one internship. Recognizing that an internship may not be feasible for some students, an independent project is an alternate option in lieu of an internship.

University of Georgia
Master of Historic Preservation
The MHP program of study consists of 54 to 61 semester hours of required instruction including core courses (22 hrs.), core options (14-21 hrs.), electives (9 hrs.), and the thesis courses (9 hrs.).

Certificate in Historic Preservation Studies
The certificate program requires a student to complete 18 hours of credit, including 9 hours of core requirements and 9 hours selected from the historic preservation curriculum. Three hours may be satisfied by a preservation-related thesis in the students academic department.

Joint Juris Doctor and Master's of Historic Preservation
This four-year program provides both the JD and MHP degrees. Students must make separate applications to the Law School and the Graduate School and be accepted by both units to participate in the program.

Georgia State University
Master of Heritage Preservation
Students must pass a general oral examination and complete forty-five hours of graduate course work distributed among the following four areas: Cultural Resources, Administration and Law, Buildings and Environment, Area of Concentration (students select appropriate courses from preservation disciplines represented in the program). In order to gain experience in the practical work of heritage preservation, there is a 6-9 credit hours Applied Studies requirement. There is also a Public History Track in the Heritage Preservation Master's Program.

Certificate in Heritage Preservation

The certificate in heritage preservation requires the completion of thirty hours of coursework, to be taken in two or more departments, and successful completion of a general examination.

Goucher College
MA in Historic Preservation
Students must take eight required courses that provide the foundation for the individual focus, as well as successfully complete a thesis. A total of 38 credits is required for graduation.

Undergraduate degree with a major or minor in Historic Preservation
All historic preservation students must complete a minimum of 36 credits in the major.

All students must complete 18 credits (above the 100-level) within the minor.


Harvard University Extension School
Master of Liberal Arts in Museum Studies
Students must complete 10 courses (40 credits), including a museum internship and a master's thesis.

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University of Houston
MA in Public History and MA or PhD minor in Public History
Within the History Master's degree, one can specialize in public history and elect a special thesis option that helps prepare students for work in "policy analysis, historical preservation, archives and records management, and the creation and interpretation of historical exhibits." This is a 30-credit program, which includes a required internship. Language requirements or computer competencies are required for the MA. The student develops her program in conjunction with the Director of the Institute for Public History.


University of Illinois at Springfield
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
Candidates must complete forty-four semester hours, twenty-four of which consist of the Public History core courses. To attain a master's degree, the student must complete either a master's thesis or an internship and project.

Indiana University, Bloomington
Joint degree--MA in history and Master's in Library Science
The requirements include a total of 50 credit hours, 30 hours in Library Science and 20 hours in History. Also offers a Specialization in Special Collections within the Library Science degree.

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Indiana Univesity of Pennsylvania
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
The program requires 36 credits of coursework including an introduction to public history course and six credits of internship.

Indiana University, Purdue University at Indianapolis
MA in Public History
Thirty-six credits required, including a practicum and a thesis.

Joint degree--MA in history and Master's in Library Science
Study for these two degrees can be combined for a total of 50 credit hours rather than the 66 credit hours required for the two degrees taken separately. Students take 20 credit hours in history, which must include one graduate seminar and one graduate colloquium. No thesis is required for students earning an M.A. degree in history who are also earning a Masters in Library Science under this dual degree program. However, they must satisfy the foreign language proficiency admission requirement.

Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies
The Graduate Museum Studies Certificate consists of 18 credit hours of course work, including the required 3 credit Museum Studies core course, Introduction to Museum Studies, and five additional courses from the selected Museum Studies courses. The Undergraduate Museum Studies Certificate consists of 18 credit hours of coursework, including a required Musuem Studies Core of four core courses (12 hours), and a choice of two additional courses (6 hours) from a list of Museum Studies courses.

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University of Iowa
Certificate in Museum Studies
Both graduate and undergraduate students may take courses offered by the Museum Studies Program; a certificate in Museum Studies is offered for undergraduate students. The certificate requires a minimum of 21 semester credit hours, including a three-hour internship.


James Madison University
BA in history with a concentration in Public History
History majors opting to pursue the Public History concentration will complete eight elective courses, seven of which must be 300-400-level history courses. The Public History concentration consists of five courses (15 credit hours). Students are required to complete two public history core courses and three elective courses.

MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Requires thirty graduate hours in history.

John F. Kennedy University
MA and Certificate in Museum Studies
The MA is a two-year program with specializations in administration, collections management, or public programming. Typically, students complete two or three internships at different institutions, working on projects related to their specialization. Students in the one-year Certificate in Museum Studies program may specialize in either collections management or education and interpretation.


University of Kansas
MA in Museum Studies
The "curriculum provides a basic understanding of the nature of museums and historical agencies as well as specialized training administered by the American Studies Program and the Departments of Anthropology, History, and Systematics and Ecology." Program requirements include 18 credit hours taken by all MHAMS students, 18 credit hours in the departmental track in which the student is enrolled (American Studies, Anthropology, History, or Natural History), and 6 credit hours in a supervised apprenticeship in an approved museum or historical agency.

Kent State University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
The non-thesis option is a terminal degree and requires 33 credit hours of class work. The thesis option requires 27 credit hours plus thesis.

University of Kentucky
Master of Historic Preservation
Requirements for the degree include 30 hours of coursework in the Core, 9 hours of advanced electives, 3 hours of internship, and six hours in a master's project for a total of 48 hours of credit.


University of Leicester
MA, MS, PhD, Postgraduate diploma, and Postgraduate certificate in Museum Studies
Offers both on campus and distance learning opportunities.

Longwood University
B.A. in history with Public History concentration
The public history concentration requires completion of HIST 100 or 110 (whichever is not selected for General Education), HIST 221 and 222, and 45 credits in upper-level courses, including 30 hours in history, 9 in archeology/anthropology, and 6 in political science. Successful completion of an internship is required of all public history majors. It is recommended that students add electives in anthropology, art history, or political science.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
The Master of Arts degree in Public History consists of 33 credits. Students studying public history take 12 credits in public history (this includes an option to enroll in courses in other departments and an internship). In consultation with the Director of Public History, the student may develop a specialized concentration in a particular aspect of Public History. Opportunities for specialization include: Applied Research, Archives and Manuscripts, Historic Preservation, Historical Adminstration, Historical Editing, Local and Community History, Oral History.

Loyola University of Chicago
MA in Public History
The Masters Program in Public History is a thirty-three hour program in which students must complete fifteen hours of public history courses. All students must also complete an internship. Public history students will prepare a masters essay, and toward the end of their studies, public history students must pass a two-hour oral examination in the field of public history.

Joint degree--MA in Public History and Master's in Library Science
A total of fifty-four semester hours is required for the two degrees. A minimum of thirty semester hours must be taken in the GSLIS, and a minimum of twenty-four semester hours must be taken in the History Department of Loyola University Chicago, including twelve of those semester hours in specified public history courses.

Joint Doctoral Program in American History/Public History
Sixty hour degree program

Luther College
BA in history with a minor in Museum Studies
The Museums Studies minor involves 3 required courses and 3 elective courses. Electives may originate in any number of departments but should bear upon some aspect of material culture or present subject matter that is frequently part of or relevant to museum work.

Electives may thus involve fine art, folk art, anthropological collections, natural history collections, administration, public relations and biology. At least one elective must come from outside the students major field of study.


Mary Baldwin College
Minor in Public History
In 2005, Mary Baldwin College collaborated with the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library to establish an undergraduate minor in public history. Designed to create working historians, this program trains students for careers in the field of public history by combining an academic degree at an accredited liberal arts college with hands-on experience.

University of Mary Washington
BS with a major in Historic Preservation
Mary Washington College was one of the first academic institutions in America to establish an undergraduate curriculum in historic preservation and the first to establish an independent Department of Historic Preservation. The department offers an interdisciplinary major that acquaints students with a broad range of activities, methods and theoretical perspectives. Students in the program may emphasize historic architecture, architectural conservation, folklore, archaeology, planning, or museum studies in their course work.

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University of Maryland, Baltimore County
MA in Historic Studies with a track in Public History
Students in the public history track gain experience and exposure to the

field of public history and have the opportunity to work with

professionals in the greater Baltimore-Washington Region. Requirements

include an introduction to public history, a practicum course, and one

internship. In addition, students must take at least one upper level

public history elective course. Electives, typically taught by

practitioners, may include courses in archival management, oral history

and historic house museums.

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University of Maryland, College Park
Master in Library Science with a Concentration in Archival Studies
Requirements include four core courses, one management class, three courses chosen from a select list, and four additional electives.

Joint degree--MLS and MA in history
The joint degree requires 54 credits, 24 of which are history courses and 24 of which are library science courses. Student receives two degrees.

Master in Historic Preservation and Certificate in Historic Preservation
The 45-credit curriculum includes multidisciplinary core courses, an internship, a collaborative studio course, and a selection of electives. The Certificate requires sixteen credits.

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University of Massachusetts at Amherst
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Required courses in the concentration:

1. Introduction to Public History and Museum Studies;

2. American Material Culture and the Built Landscape;

3. Public History Internship;

4. Any two of the following:

a) Documentary Film Making,

b) Historical Archaeology,

c) Independent Study in an area of student interest (For example: Museum Education, Museum Exhibit Design, Historic Preservation),

d) Second Internship;

5. Senior Project in Public History

Meredith College
BA in history with major in Public History

The major in Public History requires 37 hours of study, including an internship.

Syllabi Available Online

University of Michigan
Certificate in Museum Studies
An eighteen credit hour program in applied museum theory, including a six credit hour practicum, configured to complement graduate study in a range of disciplines in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.

MS in Information with a specialization in Archives and Records Management
All MSI students who enter in Fall 2007 or later must complete at least 48 credit hours of graduate coursework plus 15 credits within the specialization.

MS in Information with a specialization in Preservation of Information
MSI students must meet all of the general requirements of the 48-credit MSI program. In addition, students must take the Preserving Information course and 10.5 credits within the specialization.

Michigan State University
Undergraduate specialization or graduate certification in Museum Studies
Fifteen-credit program, including an internship

Middle Tennessee State University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
The Public History concentration offers specialized education in one of four tracks: historic preservation, cultural resources management, museum studies, and archival management. In addition to 27 hours of course work, the program requires a Thesis (3 hours) and an Internship (3 hours). Archives-track students also take a Practicum (3 hours), expanding their program to 36 hours.

DA in history with a concentration in Historic Preservation
In addition to completing 48-60 semester hours of history and professional education courses above the master's level, the successful candidate must pass written and oral examinations and write a dissertation.

University of Missouri-St. Louis
MA in History and Museum Studies, or a graduate certificate in Museum Studies
The program offers a 39 credit-hour course of study designed to be completed on a full-time basis in two years. There are 7 required courses in museology with the last being a capstone master's project.

Monash University
Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters Degree in Public History
The National Preservation Institute (NPI) is a nonprofit organization

educating those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of our

cultural heritage. NPI provides training through its seminars in historic

preservation and cultural resource management. Seminar topics include cultural and

natural resource management; laws and regulations including Section 106, NEPA,

and NAGPRA; traditional cultural places, conflict resolution, cultural

landscapes, archaeological curation, cemetery preservation, and historic property


University of Nevada, Las Vegas
MA or PhD in history with a minor in Public History
Students in the public history minor track take 9 hours of public history courses and a minimum of 3 hours of Public History internship.

University of Nevada, Reno
Offers continuing education short courses in Heritage Resources Management, such as Survey and Inventory Planning: Documenting Historic Resources and Cultural Property Law: Compliance and Enforcement.

University of New England Australia
Advanced Diploma or Graduate Diploma in local, family, and applied history
The Advanced Diploma is designed for students who have never done any university study. The course takes a minimum of two years and a maximum of six years to complete by part-time external study. In order to qualify for the award, students must pass units to the value of 72 credit points. The Graduate Diploma is designed for students with a university degree in any discipline or a three year diploma. The course normally takes two years to complete by part-time external study. In order to qualify for the award, students must pass units to the value of 48 credit points.

New Mexico State University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Requires 39-42 credits, including four history seminars, an internship, 18-21 credits taken in Public History, and an oral examination. Theses are an option.

Syllabi Available Online

New York University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History; PhD in history with Public History as a minor; and Certificate in Public History
MA requires 32 credits; Certificate requires forty-four credits.

MA in Museum Studies and Advanced Certificate in Museum Studies
The Master of Arts degree requires completion of 32 points, of which at least 24 must be within the Museum Studies program as well as an internship and thesis. The 24-point Advanced Certificate in Museum Studies is designed to prepare those who have a strong graduate education in a particular discipline for a museum career. This course of study is intended for those who already have Masters or Doctoral degrees in the humanities, social sciences, or sciences, or who currently are enrolled or have been admitted into an MA or PhD program at New York University or another highly reputed university in the USA or abroad.

MA or PhD in history and Advanced Certificate in Archives, Historical Society Administration, and Historical Editing
Requirements for the MA/Certificate are 24 credits in history (which must include an MA seminar) and 20 credits in archives. The certificate program is also open to students with MA and PhD degrees in other appropriate social science or humanities-based disciplines.

Syllabi Available Online

University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies
MA, Certificate, or Diploma in Museum Studies
The MA and Diploma options require students to follow a modular course. Credits are acquired from three 'compulsory' modules (60 credits) and more specialised units (40 credits). These taught components are followed by a placement (20 credits) in a museum, gallery, or heritage organisation and a research period leading to the submission of a 15,000 - 18,000 word dissertation which is equivalent to 60 credits. Students taking the Diploma are required to undertake a placement, but not the dissertation.

Link to the website for information about the Certificate in Museum Studies. The Certificate in Museum Studies consists of two elements, a taught component, which is the Issues and Ideas Module described in the core programme and worth 20 credits, and a 40 credit piece of research identified as the Work-based Project. Students are required to attend the taught component in Newcastle and complete their project in their 'home' museum or gallery.

MA or Diploma in Heritage Education
The MA and Diploma options require students to follow a modular course. Credits are acquired from three 'compulsory' modules (60 credits) and more specialised units (40 credits). These taught components are followed by a placement (20 credits) in a museum, gallery, or heritage organisation and a research period leading to the submission of a 15,000 - 18,000 word dissertation which is equivalent to 60 credits. Students taking the Diploma are required to undertake a placement, but not the dissertation.

Students take the three core modules - Issues and Ideas; Management; Communication and Interpretation - alongside Museum Studies and Gallery Studies students, then proceed to the following taught elements: Media; Tourism; and Heritage, Museum and Gallery Education.

MA or Diploma in Gallery Studies
The MA and Diploma options require students to follow a modular course. Credits are acquired from three 'compulsory' modules (60 credits) and more specialised units (40 credits). These taught components are followed by a placement (20 credits) in a museum, gallery, or heritage organisation and a research period leading to the submission of a 15,000 - 18,000 word dissertation which is equivalent to 60 credits. Students taking the Diploma are required to undertake a placement, but not the dissertation.

Students take the three core modules - Issues and Ideas; Management; Communication and Interpretation - alongside Museum Studies and Gallery Studies students, then proceed to the following taught elements: Art Curatorship I and Art Curatorship II.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Four core courses required for the concentration: Historiography and Methodology; Seminar: History Museums; Seminar: Historic Preservation; and Seminar: History in the Digital Age. Degree also requires a 3-6 hour internship and a thesis or culminating project.

Syllabi Available Online

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
MA in history with a concentration in historic preservation or museum studies

Students complete complete a 36-hour degree consisting of 21 hours in History courses and 15 hours in the selected Public History concentration.

MS in Interior Design with a concentration in historic preservation or museum studies

Requires a minimum of 36 semester hours including a thesis.

Post-Baccalaureate Certificates in Historic Preservation and Museum Studies
The certificates provide graduate students with training and credentials to pursue careers in history museums, historic preservation, cultural resource management, management of historic sites, specialized design practice, and related work. Each certificate requires 15 semester hours of coursework, including an internship, and electives.

University of North Carolina at Wilmington
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Requirements include an internship, a thesis, and thirty credit hours.

North Carolina State at Raleigh
MA in Public History

Consists of thirty-six hours of course work, including an internship and an oral exam.

North Dakota State University
BA in history with a major in public history
Requires 63 credits. Students may concentrate on one of the following tracks: museum, archives, or historic preservation. A nine-credit internship at an approved historical institution is required.

Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts
BS in history: Public History option; MA in history with a certification in Public History; Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Public History
Public History requirements include at least four professional courses and two field work requirements taken among the fourteen courses required to complete the Master of Arts in History degree. Students complete the program with either a comprehensive examination, a thesis, or a six quarter-hour Public History Project, based upon their work in a historical agency.

Northern Illinois University
MA with a concentration in Historical Administration
Requires 36 hours of coursework and internships, which are the core of the program.

University of Northern Iowa
Public History Certificate for undergraduates
Requires 15 hours, including two internships.

MA in history with a concentration in Public History
A minimum of 30 semester hours is required, including two internships and successful completion of a final oral comprehensive examination.

Northern Michigan University
BA in history with a Public History minor
Required courses include: Historical Thinking and Writing; Public History; Michigan History, Archival Management, and an internship.

Northwestern University, School of Continuing Studies
Certificate in Museum Studies
To earn a certificate of completion, students take one course per term for three 10-week terms and complete a volunteer project outside of class during the first and second courses. Students also participate outside of class time in several instructor-led field trips to Chicago museums.

Certificate in Historic Preservation
The program offers courses that cover the ideas and actions behind both agricultural and architectural historic preservation in the Chicagoland area and beyond. Students must complete any four of the seven available courses in the program. The Introduction to Historic Preservation course is recommended but not required.

Nottingham Trent University
MA in Heritage Management
At the heart of the programme is a taught course, undertaken by both MA and Diploma students, and partially completed by Certificate students. The taught course is covered in year-long modules. Students are expected to pass in each module of the programme required for their chosen award. Students must also complete, as a separate module, a Placement with a relevant heritage organisation and a Portfolio, recording evidence of their personal development during the course.

Diploma and Masters students do an additional academic module. Masters students then complete a Thesis.

The MA can be completed in 12 months going full-time or in 24 months going part-time.

Postgraduate Diploma in Heritage Management
See above for description.

The Diploma can be completed in 9 months going full-time or in 21 months going part-time.

Postgraduate Certificate in Heritage Management
See above for description.

The Certificate can be completed in 9 months going part-time.


Oklahoma State University
MA in History with an emphasis in Applied History
Degree requirements include the equivalent of an eight-week full-time internship, a report addressing some topic or problem within the student's specialization, and thirty-three credit hours. The Department has traditionally focused on historic preservation.

University of Oregon
MS in Historic Preservation
The master of science degree in historic preservation requires 73 credits in five areas: core courses; architectural history electives; courses in the area of concentration; individualized study (which includes an internship, research, and a thesis or terminal project) and elective courses.

Undegraduate degree minor in Historic Preservation
The interdisciplinary minor in Historic Preservation requires a minimum of 27 credits, 15 of which must be upper division courses


Ruskin College, Oxford
MA in Public History
First year assessment is by a portfolio of six pieces of written work of approximately 4000 words each reflecting the course concepts but on topics chosen by the student in conjunction with a tutor. Students who complete successfully the first year will proceed to the second year. Students will undertake a dissertation of 15,000 20,000 words on a topic of their choice.

Rutgers at Camden
MA in history with a concentration in public history
The formal degree requirements are the completion of 33 credits, a 3-credit public history internship, and a 3-credit research/writing seminar. Passing a comprehensive oral examination is the final degree requirement.

Syllabi Available Online

Ryerson University
MA in Photographic Preservation and Collections Management
Offered by The School of Image Arts, Ryerson University in association with The George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film Rochester, New York. Thirteen half-year courses, an internship, and a professional practice project are designed to

provide students with a graduate program in which historical knowledge, practical experience,

and professional education are fully integrated. Course offerings in the graduate program

include seminars in photographic materials and history, and issues of curatorial practice and

practicums taught by preservation and conservation specialists. Students are required to

complete an internship in a professional setting between their first and second years.


Saint Cloud State University
MA in Public History

Students pursuing a Master of Arts in Public History must earn a minimum of 21 graduate-only credits. A student completing the public history track will be required to pass a final oral examination based on the thesis submitted to the final evaluation committee.

Saint Vincent College
BA in history with minor in Public History
The minor in Public History consists of eighteen credit hours. Four required courses include: Introduction to Public History, Practicum in Public History, History Internship, and Introduction to Entrepreneurship.

University of San Diego
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
The program requires 30 units as well as a 100-125 page thesis. Students may alternately choose to produce a videotaped program or other media production.

San Francisco State University
MA in Museum Studies
The core curriculum provides the student with a firm foundation and knowledge in all of the museum functions. The elective courses, internship, and master's project focus on the student's specialized area of museum work.

San Jose State University
Master's in Archives and Records Administration
A business case and academic plan are currently being developed in consultation with national and international associations, scholars and professionals in the field. It is anticipated that the resulting program will be totally online. It will begin in Fall 2008 using San Jos's internationally-recognized distance education technologies.

Savannah College of Art and Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts, MA, or Master of Fine Arts with course of study in Historic Preservation
Total course of study for the Bachelor of Fine Arts is 180 hours.

The MA program requires 45 hours, and the MFA 90 hours.

Seton Hall
MA in Museum Professions and Joint degree--Bachelor's and MA in Museum Professions
The Museum Professions program is a two year (minimum) course of study requiring 39 credits. The joint degree is a five-year program, which culminates in two degrees.

Shippensburg University
MA in Applied History
Requres 30 credits, including an Introduction to Applied History course and the option of either a six-credit internship or thesis. All graduate history courses are offered in the evenings.

Simmons College
Joint degree--MA in history and Master's in Library Science
In this 56-semester-hour program, students take 12 hours of required library and information science courses, 12 hours of required core archives courses, and eight additional hours of courses in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. In the history department, students are required to take Historical Methods and Research (4 credits), Thesis (4 credits), and 16 credit hours of elective courses.

Master's in Library Science with a concentration in Archival Management
In addition to the 12 semester hours of required courses for the master's degree, students take a set of core classes focusing on archives as well as additional electives in the field.

University of South Carolina
MA in Public History or PhD in history with a major field as Public History
Coursework for the MA degree requires that students complete a minimum of 36 credit hours, 21 in their major field (historic preservation, museums, or archives). The remaining 15 hours consist of courses in American history, including training in research and writing. Students must successfully pass a reading and translation examination in a foreign language, although preservation students may substitute completion of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) course for the language requirement. Students also complete an internship and a thesis.

Certificate in Museum Management
The program is taught through the Universitys McKissick Museum.

Joint degree-MA in Public History and Master's in Library Science
A minimum of 33 units is required, and all candidates must pass a reading proficiency examination in one language, normally French or German. The program consists of four parts: courses in art history, museum studies courses, production of an exhibition and accompanying catalogue, and an internship in a museum.

Certificate in Museum Studies
A total of 16 units is required for the Certificate Program.

Southern Illinois University
Undergraduate minor in Museum Studies
The Museum Studies Program minor consists of 18 credit hours with 12 hours of required core courses and 6 hours of electives.

Stephen F. Austin State University
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
The program consists of 36 hours of study (including six hours of thesis or thesis-level special project or thesis). The department encourages local history theses, internships, and practicums. Graduate assistantships are available.


University of Technology Sydney
MA, Graduate Diploma, and Graduate Certificate in Public History
The course consists of the following core subjects: Public History: Theory and Practice; Communicating the Past; Cultural Heritage; Local and Community History; Public History Project (F/T or P/T); and two electives.

Temple University
MA in Public History

Thirty credit hours are required, and students must complete either a comprehensive exam or a thesis. A special three course sequence in Archival Methods is available, leading up to an exam to become a certified archivist.

Syllabi Available Online

University of Texas at Arlington
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
Requires thirty-six total hours, which includes eighteen hours of Public History courses and an internship as part of the non-thesis option.

MA in history with an Archival Certification
Students intending to work in corporations, museums, libraries, archives, or government agencies, can take a 12-hour sequence--two courses, plus an internship--in the archival certification program as part of the Non-Thesis option.

University of Texas at El Paso
MA in history with a minor in Public History
The minor includes an introductory class, seminar, and internship.

Texas State University-San Marcos
MA in history with an emphasis in Public History
Texas State University--San Marcos offers an M.A. degree in history with an emphasis in public history. This 36-hour program consists of 18 credit hours in public history and 18 credit hours in traditional U.S. history, and it is designed to prepare students for careers in historic preservation, cultural resource management, heritage tourism, and museum and archival management. Requirements include a 3 credit hour internship, which may be arranged with organizations in the Austin-San Antonio corridor including the Bullock Texas History Museum, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Historical Commission, various cultural resource management firms, the AT&T Archives, and the Southwest Writers Collection at Texas State.

University of Toledo
BA, MA, and PhD in history
Since 1986, the University of Toledo Department of History has offered an integrated Public History program at both the graduate and undergraduate level. The program stresses the employment options available to public historians and the responsibility of all historians to serve the public. The program offers internships for pay or credit (or both).

University of Toronto
Master of Museum Studies
The minimum requirement for the M.M.St. degree is seven full-course equivalents (FCE) also known as credits. The program of study for a full-time student begins in September and normally extends over 24 consecutive months. Before the end of their first year, candidates will be required to demonstrate a reading knowledge of a second language (normally French) by means of a written exam and achieve a minimum grade of 70%.


University of Vermont
MS in Historic Preservation
All graduate students enter the program in the fall. Most complete their studies after three semesters and a summer internship, but some choose to include a fourth semester and a thesis.

Syllabi Available Online

University of Victoria
Diploma in Cultural Conservation
The Diploma program allows students to specialize in museum studies, heritage conservation, or cultural management, or to choose courses from all three areas. Students can participate on a part-time basis and can combine both on-campus and distance studies. Students who prefer to take individual courses without committing to the Diploma Program can participate as an unclassified credit student, a visiting student, a qualifying student or a non-credit student.

Professional Specialization Certificate in Heritage Conservation Planning
The following three courses is mandatory: Determining Significance, Conservation in Context, Planning for Cultural Resource Management. For the fourth course, one can choose from a select list of applicable courses.

Professional Specialization Certificate in Cultural Heritage Sector Leadership

In addition to four courses, applicants to this program are required to attend a 3-day on campus course called Challenges in Cultural Heritage Sector Leadership.

Victoria University of Wellington
Master of Public History
The MPHist consists of the following courses: Issues in Public History 1: What is Public History? (30 pts); Issues in Public History 2: Presenting the Past (30 pts); a Research Project (30 pts); and one elective paper (30 pts).


University of Washington
MA in Museology
The Graduate Program in Museology is designed to take two years to complete, consisting of six quarters of academic study and research (36 or more quarter hours).

Certificate in Museum Studies
The Certificate Program in Museum Studies is open to students formally matriculated into a graduate program at the University of Washington.

Syllabi Available Online

Washington State University
MA and PhD in history, Public History track
MA requires at least 30 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree, and the PhD requires at least 72 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree. Students are expected to complete an internship.

University of Waterloo
MA in Public History
The first eight months of the program are spent completing the Public History primary requirements, and the next twelve months are spent taking more courses and completing internships and practicums. Total of twenty months is required. Program has language requirement, and students must complete a thesis.

University of West Florida
MA in history with a public history specialization
The graduate curriculum is a thirty-six (36) hour program of which fifteen (15) hours will be in courses within one or more of the public history track's areas of specialization, including community history, museology and museum studies, policy history, environmental history, and/or media history. Coursework is offered through both the history department and through other university departments and programs. A six-credit internship with an appropriate agency or organization is also required. As an additional non-thesis option, students will complete and defend an extensive report on their internship experience.

State University of West Georgia
MA in history with a concentration in Public History and Cetificate in Public History
MA program requires thirty-six credit hours, including an internship and thesis. The certificate requires fifteen hours.

Certificate in Museum Studies
This fifteen-hour program offers advanced, graduate-level training in museum work with hands-on work experience at the Atlanta History Center.

Syllabi Available Online

West Virginia University
Graduate Certificate in Cultural Resource Management
Fifteen credit hours are required to attain the certificate--twelve hours of courses plus a three-hour internship or research project.

Western Carolina University
MA in history-Public History track
Non-thesis option that requires 30 semester hours and an internship

Western Michigan University
BA with a major/minor in Public History and MA or PhD in history with a concentration in Public History
Coursework includes a wide array of subjects, including material studies, cultural resources, local history and methodology, industrial archeology, and oral history.

Syllabi Available Online

University of Western Ontario
MA in Public History
The 12-month program consists of two terms of intensive study, followed by an internship over the summer. Courses emphasize digital history across the curriculum, giving students experience with websites, blogs, wikis, electronic texts, digital repositories and other tools.

Syllabi Available Online

Wichita State University
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Requirements include completion of an internship, foreign language and comprehensive examinations, and a thesis. Practitioners working in the field teach courses geared to several specialties including archives, historic preservation, and museum administration.

University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Graduate Certificate in Public History
The nine- to twelve- hour graduate certificates emphasize specialization and depth of knowledge in a specific area of interest.

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
MA in history with a specialization in Public History
Requirements include 36 credits, including eighteen in general history courses and eighteen in Public History courses, and an internship. Specializations available in archives, museum studies, and historic preservation.

Certificate in Museum Studies
Consists of five courses (15 credits).

Joint degree--MA in history and Master's in Library Science
Within the coordinated degree program, the minimum requirement for the M.A. in History is 24 graduate credits.

Syllabi Available Online

Wright State University
MA in History with a specialization in Public History
Public History students have a specific course of study, totaling 56-58 credits. Students have the option to specialize and take 8 advanced credit hours in either Archives or Museum Studies.

Certificate in Museum Studies
The requirements for the Certificate are Introduction to Public History, 12 credits of the required professional courses in the field, a 5 credit internship, and a 1 credit public history project.

Certificate in Archival Administration and Records Management
The requirements for the Certificate are Introduction to Public History, 12 credits of the required professional courses in the field, a 5 credit internship, and a 1 credit public history project.

University of Wyoming
MA in history with a concentration in Public History
Students must complete 18 hours for the concentration, including three required courses and 9 hours in one of the folowing specialized areas: Historic Preservation, Archives, Historical Publishing and Programming, and Museum Studies and Site Management.


Youngstown State University
Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Preservation
Must complete eighteen hours of historic preservation core courses and six hours of select electives.

MA in history with a Certificate in Historic Preservation
Requires thirty-six hours of coursework, two graduate papers, and the successful completion of written and oral examinations.

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