Search Engines

2012 年 9 月 29 日6040

Search Engines


Visit How to Choose a Search Tool,
a more extensive list of search tools organized by features.

General Search Engines

Alexa Web Search
- analyzes site traffic including ranking, global users, pages linking to the site, and links to related pages of interest
- general search engine enhanced by a number of specialty searches including images, news and video; search results show related searches and popular questions and answers

- Microsoft engine that displays excerpts from sites retrieved by your search and offers related search suggestions; multimedia and other deep Web results are also displayed. Also check out Bing Maps.

- retrieves results from trustworthy sites and offers filtered searching with the use of slash tags, e.g., global warming /climate; can sort results by relevance or date; allows searchers to integrate their Facebook "likes" into search results

- offers live human guides to help answer queries; accepts queries from mobile devices

- offers results from content-rich sites, displays "zero-click" answers at the top of the search result page, and features numerous search options and site settings; offers unusual search privacy

- offers thumbnail images of retrieved sites, and organization of results by type of site, file type, language and country

- searches for full topic matches and returns meaningful, full sentence excerpts from sites in its results list; offers related searches

- Web's most popular search engine. Also check out, a Google-powered search engine with a black background display that saves energy.

Google offers a number of Services that are worth exploring, including:

Google U.S. Government Search, a searchable database of U.S. government Web sites (.gov and .mil) ranked by link popularity

- organizes results into types of information sources, including "credible " sites recommended by librarians and news, blogs and Twitter

iSEEK Education
- offers authoritative resources from university, government, and established noncommercial providers; organizes results into concept clusters, and also allows users to recommend and rate sites

- general search engine that also offers searches of a few deep Web content sources including people look-up, yellow pages, and multimedia

- displays a tag cloud with keywords related to your search that can be selected to generate new results
- service that limits results to the .edu, domain;
also offers to search well-known dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, etc.
See also: - .gov domain - .mil domain

- real-time collaborative search engine that allows you to search, save results, and collaborate with invited others; you can comment, chat, share documents and links, etc. to create a useful SearchSpace on any topic; integrates with such social networks as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
- search by keyword or website address and retrieve a focused list of related sites; offers a Firefox Add-On that displayst a list of up to 300 sites similar to the one you are currently viewing along with other features

- searches millions of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for answers to user queries; displays excerpts from the retrieved material

- enter a question or calculation, and Wolfram|Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and own collection of data to compute the answer

- portal with a general Web search and many other content services; the search feature uses the Bing index and offers the Axis app for visual results

- searches for data and statistics found in graphs, tables and charts; hover your mouse over the item icon for a preview

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On you can search for anything related to poker; news, strategy, rules and how to play. Recommended searches:

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Online poker sites for U.S. players

Meta Search Engines

43 Marks
- offers separate searches of Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Wikipedia with a one-click toggle between search results; also serves as a personal home page for collecting bookmarks

- offers Search Assistant for searching numerous sources including the social and the deep Web; Virtual Folders allow users to create, save and bookmark custom folders containing up to 12 favorite sites

Cacti Search
- search Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask, and retrive a collated results list with an option to view results from each engine separately

- search numerous search engines and presented collated results; also presents concept clusters for viewing results organized by keywords or topics

- offers searches of the Web and multimedia, and supplies real-time concept clustering of results

- ranks results based on top ten rankings from the source search engines; offers substantial privacy protection to searchers

- retrieve results from numerous sources; also offers search suggestions related to your search

- retrieve results from Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Ask; also offers search suggestions related to your search

- offers advanced search options on Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Ask, Digg and Technorati with a single mouse click; users can save searches for future use, organize the searches into folders, and clone new searches from existing ones

Virtual Learning Resources Center
- searches several high quality directories; also offers its own directory

- searches a handful of sources, and offers concept clusters for organizing search results

- searches the Web, images, news, blogs and jobs postings, and returns results from multiple search tools in configurable separate tabs

See also:, a collection of search engines from around the world.

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