GridWise Alliance: Smart Grid Resources

2014 年 9 月 21 日5420

Below are some of the available online resources related to the nation's electrical grid and innovations in "smart" energy. Note: This list will be updated with new items to keep you up to date. Please let us know of additional resources at

Online Resources

Quadrennial Energy Review Task Force on Water and Energy Nexus

Quadrennial Energy Review Task Force on Electric Transmission, Storage and Distribution -- West

The Future of the Grid: National Summit Pre-read Materials

The Future of the Grid: Central Region Workshop Pre-read Materials

The Future of the Grid: Northeast Region Workshop Pre-read Materials

The Future of the Grid: Southeast Region Workshop Pre-read Materials

The Future of the Grid: Western Region Workshop Pre-read Materials

The New Math Report

GSGF Newsletter May 2014

Electric Power Supply Association vs. FERC & Madison Gas and Electric Company Et. Al. United States Court of Appeals

The Evolution of Performance Based Regulation

The Big Problems are Connected

21st Century Electricity System CEO Forum Summary- New York

21st Century Electricity System CEO Forum Summary- San Antonio

Disruptive Challenges: Financial Implications and Strategic Responses to a Changing Retail Electric Business

Results-Based Regulation: A Modern Approach to Modernize the Grid

Advancing Grid Modernization and Smart Grid Policy: A Discussion Paper

21st Century Electricity System CEO Forum Summary- Aspen

21st Century Electricity System CEO Forum Summary- Cambridge

New Utility Business Models: Implications of a High-Penetration Renewable Energy Future

GSGF Newsletter April 2014

Quadrennial Energy Review

GSGF Newsletter February 2014

Actions Before and After a Flood NAS

Substation Protection and Recovery from Weather-Related Water Damage

Distribution Systems: Automation & Optimization Part 2

Distribution Systems: Automation & Optimization Part 2

Power Industry Faces Down Hurricane Sandy IEEE Spectrum

Hardening the System

To identify effective hardening opportunities, a system must be examined from underground facilities to structures, wires and vegetation.

ACADEMIA: UB/Buffalo State College Smart Grid Lab

This video details the innovative technologies being tested and improved at the UB/Buffalo State College Smart Grid Lab.


This report is a compilation of the state of smart grid activities within 11 of the 12 GSGF member organizations.

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Realizing the Value of an Optimized Electric Grid

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: 2011 Cybersecurity Principles

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: 2011 Interoperability Principals

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Policy Position on Data Privacy

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Policy Position on Opt-Out

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: The US Smart Grid Revolution: Smart Grid Workforce Trends 2011 - - 2 Pager Brochure

A summarized version of The US Smart Grid Revolution: Smart Grid Workforce Trends 2011

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: The US Smart Grid Revolution: Smart Grid Workforce Trends 2011

A report that examines how the continued development and deployment of smart grid impacts the electric energy industry workforce. The report, prepared by global consulting, testing and certification firm, KEMA, stresses the important role education initiatives play in maximizing improvements for all those connected to the electric system.

SMART GRID POLICY CENTER: Smart Grid - Paths to Interoperability

Produced May 2011

SMART GRID POLICY CENTER: Smart Grid - Paths to Interoperability Overview

Produced May 2011

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Smart Grid and Energy Efficiency

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Senate Energy and Climate Priorities

COMMENTS: GridWise Alliance on NIST Interagency Report 7628 (NISTIR) (05/10)

Lexington Institute: Smart Grid Implementation - Strategies for Success

RESOURCE: SEI Smart Grid Maturity Model

The SEI Smart Grid Maturity Model (SGMM) is a management tool that helps utilities plan, prioritize options and measure their progress as they implement a smarter grid. The model consists of eight domains that represent the spectrum of considerations - processes, people and technology - when implementing smart grid. SEI's stewardship of the SGMM is supported by the US Department of Energy.

FCC: National Broadband Plan - Connecting America

IEEE-PES: Smart Grid - Putting it All Together

TESTIMONY: Katherine Hamilton, GridWise Alliance, Senate Energy Smart Appliance

REPORT: European Renewable Energy Council + GreenPeace: Renewables 24/7 - Infrastructure Needed to Save the Climate

PNNL - The Smart Grid: An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits (Revision 1)

This report articulates nine mechanisms by which the smart grid can reduce energy use and carbon impacts associated with electricity generation and delivery. The quantitative estimates of potential reductions in electricity sector energy and associated CO2 emissions presented are based on a survey of

published results and simple analyses.

REPORT: ADICA: The Smart Grid and the Evolution of the Independent System Operator

This paper explores the smarter grid, the broader vision of a smart grid in the United States, and the role that the standards making process has in helping Independent System Operators (ISOs) evolve to meet the challenges facing the grid.

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Handbook for Assessing Smart Grid Projects

STIMULUS: Department of Energy - Investment Grant Program Cyber Security Issues - Dagle

STIMULUS: Department of Energy - Investment Grant Program Data Collection Benefits - Paladino

STIMULUS: Department of Energy - Investment Grant Program Negotiations Process - Poston

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: What is Missing in Our Fundamental Knowledge of Smart Grid Implementation?

Prepared in cooperation with the GridWise Alliance

Implementation Work Group and Carl Imhoff, Battelle/PNNL.

RESOURCE: - Presented by GE is intended as a forum to educate and engage users in the development of the smart grid. It provides a venue to learn, connect and debate the issues of energy conservation, oil dependance, energy policy, green jobs and rising energy costs.

NIST: Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Release 1.0 (draft)

This report is the output of the first of a three phase plan that NIST has put in place to accellerate the identification of standards and a framework for future testing and certification procedures.

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: 2009 Release of Supplemental Books to "The Smart Grid: An Introduction"

The DOE has added upon their 2008 release of "The Smart Grid: An Introduction" and released six new books directed at specific smart grid stakeholder groups.

RESOURCE: Stimulus Funding Map Broken Down By State

Through this link is an interactive map with portals to all 50 state's recovery websites. These sites contain details on the distribution of funds through a variety of programs and grants, and the resulting jobs being created.

NEMA: Standardizing the Classification of Intelligence Levels and Performance

Of Electricity Supply Chains

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Workforce in Smart Grid

Lexington Institute: Moving Forward on Smart Grid

Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D., details the reasons why a move to a smarter grid now will enable energy efficient technologies and energy independence in the future.

REPORT: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy - The Positive Economics of Climate Change Policies: What the Historical Evidence Can Tell Us

This report takes a look at the history of climate change policies and recent econmic data. It suggests there is the possibility for climate change legislation to open up an even greater potential for efficiency improvements that can positively affect the nation’s economy while substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

TESTIMONY: Katherine Hamilton, GridWise Alliance, at U.S. House Committee on Science and Technology

Formal Writen Testimony submitted on July 30, 2009 regarding the hearing titled "Effectively Transforming Our Electric Delivery System to a Smart Grid."

COMMENTS: GridWise Alliance on the report to NIST on Smart Grid Interoperability Roadmap

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: July 2009 Monthly Energy Review

The Monthly Energy Review (MER) is the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) primary report of recent and historical energy statistics. Included are statistics on total energy production, consumption, trade, and energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and international petroleum; and data unit conversions.

REPORT: Environmental Benefits of Plug-in

Hybrid Electric Vehicles: the Case of Alberta

This paper studies the potential environmental impacts of the wide adoption of PHEVs in the context of Alberta, given the 90% share of thermal units and the growing interstes in wind power developments in the province.

FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Smart Grid Policy Statement

This final version recommends priorities for work on the development and deployment of a smart electric transmission system.

REPORT: The Smart Grid in 2010: Market Segments, Applications, and Industry Players (Updated Sept. '09)

In this free report and market taxonomy, GTM Research provides a comprehensive look at the drivers, characteristics, market segments, applications and the leading companies that are defining next-generation, intelligent power grids.

REPORT: Accelerating Smart Grid Investments

World Economic Forum in Partnership with Accenture released this report outlining the importance of smart grid as a catalyst for a low-carbon future.

REPORT: ABB’s Vision for the Power System of the Future: Toward a Smarter Grid

This is a broad overview of ABB's vision for what smart grid is, how it differs from what we have today and some of the technologies that might be applied going forward.

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: Smart Grid System Report, July 2009

The report examines the status of smart grid deployments nationwide and any regulatory or government barriers to continued deployment.

Regulatory Assistance Project: Smart Grid or Smart Policies - Which Comes First?

With the great expectations for smart grid, Commissions are looking for value in the concept and trying to determine what consumers will get in return for their money.

Organization: Galvin Electricity Initiative

Research: Electric Power Research Institute

Organization: North American Electric Reliability Corporation

Organization: Center for American Progress

Organization: IEEE

REPORT: Green Power Superhighways: Building a Path to America's Clean Energy Future

American Wind Energy Association and the Solar Energy Industries Association

From the June 2009 Economist print edition

Organization: The GridWise Architecture Council

Organization: Edison Electric Institute

Organization: American Public Power Association

Organization: Electric Drive Transportation Association

Organization: National Energy Education Development Project

Organization: Smart Grid Australia

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: Standards and Smart Grid

NARUC: The Smart Grid - Frequently Asked Questions for State Commissions

This frequently asked questions (FAQ) factsheet provides brief answers to questions such as: What is smart grid, what it can do, what value it brings, and what potential pitfalls should be avoided when considering implementation.

TESTIMONY: Katherine Hamilton, GridWise Alliance, at Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hearing

REPORT: Efficiency Remains Key in 25x'25 Vision of New Energy Future

GRIDWISE ALLIANCE: The U.S. Smart Grid Revolution: KEMA's Perspectives for Job Creation

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: The Smart Grid: An Introduction

Prepared for the Department of Energy.

REPORT: Smart Grid: Enabler of the New Energy Economy

Prepared by the Electricity Advisory Committee.

WHITE HOUSE: Barack Obama and Joe Biden - New Energy for America

Obama and Biden's comprehensive energy plan.

IEEE-USA: Position Statement - Energy Efficiency

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