JAWS Screen Reading Software by Freedom Scientific

2012 年 9 月 27 日7160

JAWS for Windows
Screen Reading Software

“I am a computer/technology teacher who has taught JAWS to students from K-21
years old at the Governor Morehead School for the Blind in Raleigh for 13 years.
I don't have a clue to how students that are blind could have ever used a computer
without JAWS. Great product! ”
- Pam Snyder, M. Ed, VI

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What’s New in JAWS 13

Powerful Access to Screen Content

Using JAWS, get started today, working with all your Microsoft and
IBM Lotus Symphony applications.

JAWS® is the world's most popular screen reader, developed for computer
users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content.
JAWS reads aloud what's on the PC screen and gives the user a unique set of intelligent
tools for navigating and accesses Web pages and all screen content.

Compatible With the Most Frequently Used Workplace and Classroom Applications

JAWS enables you to work with Lotus Symphony, a suite of
IBM tools for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation
creation and with Lotus Notes by IBM. JAWS also is compatible
with Microsoft Office Suite, MSN Messenger, Corel WordPerfect,
Adobe Acrobat Reader, Internet Explorer, Firefox - and many
more applications that are used on a regular basis on the job and in school.

Unmatched Braille Support

With a refreshable Braille display like Freedom Scientific's Focus, JAWS also provides
Braille output in addition to, or instead of, speech. An
array of versatile features and customizable options lets you
tailor JAWS for your individual needs and preferences.

JAWS Data Sheet

JAWS Pricing for U.S. Customers

JAWS Professional: $1,095

Note: All JAWS Professional products can
be used with all 32-bit or 64-bit versions of
Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008.
You can also use 32-bit versions of Windows XP operating systems and Windows Server 2003.

Add access for Remote Desktop, Terminal Server/Citrix: $200 (JAWS Professional only)

JAWS Standard: $895

Note: All JAWS Standard products can be
used with all 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows
7 Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Premium, and
Windows Vista Home Basic. You can also use 32-bit
Windows XP Home operating systems.

Additional Note: While JAWS
supports the Windows XP Media Center Edition
operating system, support for Media Center
applications is limited to areas where Microsoft
Active Accessibility® has properly exposed adequate information.

Buy Online

Software Maintenance Agreement Pricing
for U.S. Customers

SMA for JAWS Professional at time of purchase:
$200 ($260 if purchased separately)

SMA for JAWS Standard at time of purchase:
$120 ($180 if purchased separately)

SMA Renewal Form (opens PDF)

Man using JAWS at a computer title="Man using JAWS at a computer" />

FREE Trial Download of JAWS:

32-bit Demo of JAWS 13
(113 MB FTP download)

64-bit Demo of JAWS 13
(117 MB FTP download)

JAWS Features

Multi-user Licensing

Multi-user buying options are available for JAWS
Professional and Standard licenses, MAGic Professional
licenses only, and all OpenBook licenses. They may be
purchased in blocks of five seats in all cases. In the
US, please call 1-800-444-4443 for pricing. International
customers, please contact your local distributor for pricing.

Site License: Specifically designed for
educational institutions, public libraries, and organizations
whose sole purpose is to better the lives of the visually
impaired. The Site License may only be used at one designated location.

District License: Also designed for educational
institutions, public libraries, and organizations whose
sole purpose is to better the lives of the visually impaired.
This license allows the institution to install the software at more than one facility.

Enterprise License: Tailored to meet the
needs of private businesses and government agencies.
The enterprise license may be installed in multiple locations,
but may only be used on machines owned by the specified company or agency.

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