ArrowHead ASP Server Freecode

2014 年 7 月 11 日4570

All releases

Recent releases


Release Notes: This release fixes a few bugs and adds some enhancements. The enhancements include a pluggable page caching mechanism, currently supporting in-memory and OS cache, and the FormatCurrency method.


Release Notes: This version handles logical AND/OR/XOR

statements, includes enhanced exception handling,

adds vbNewline which is \n, changes vbcrlf to \r\n, adds

RecordSet.GetRows, adds Fields.Count., adds initial

MSXML2, and fixes bugs appearing under Windows 98.


Release Notes: There are minor fixes. The ADODB implementation is much further along. ASP sessions can be shared with Servlet/JSP sessions. A check for DIM'ing a variable more than once has been added.


Release Notes: This release has a completely rewritten parser using JavaCC instead of JavaCUP. The error display is much more readable. The new parser can also be (relatively) easily extended to support other languages. There are also a few other minor fixes/enhancements.


Release Notes: Application, Request, Response, Server, and Session objects have been completed. Unicode support has been added. A big bug in the page caching algorithm has been fixed. This release can be used within EJB containers such as JBoss.

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