ICRP: Annals of the ICRP

2014 年 7 月 5 日4940

ICRP Publications

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ICRP Publication 124Protection of the Environment under Different Exposure SituationsICRP Publication 123Assessment of Radiation Exposure of Astronauts in SpaceICRP Publication 122Radiological Protection in Geological Disposal of Long-lived Solid Radioactive WasteICRP Publication 121Radiological Protection in Paediatric Diagnostic and Interventional RadiologyICRP Publication 120Radiological Protection in CardiologyICRP 2011 ProceedingsProceedings of the First ICRP Symposium on the International System of Radiological Protection

ICRP Publication 119Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60ICRP Publication 118ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions / Early and Late Effects of Radiation in Normal Tissues and Organs Threshold Doses for Tissue Reactions in a Radiation Protection ContextICRP Publication 117Radiological Protection in Fluoroscopically Guided Procedures outside the Imaging DepartmentICRP Publication 116Conversion Coefficients for Radiological

Protection Quantities for External

Radiation ExposuresICRP Publication 115Lung Cancer Risk from Radon and Progeny and Statement on RadonICRP Publication 114Environmental Protection: Transfer Parameters for Reference Animals and PlantsICRP Publication 113Education and Training in Radiological Protection for Diagnostic and Interventional ProceduresICRU Report 84 (prepared jointly with ICRP)Reference Data for the Validation of Doses from Cosmic-Radiation Exposure of Aircraft CrewICRP Publication 112Preventing Accidental Exposures from New External Beam Radiation Therapy TechnologiesICRP Publication 111Application of the Commission's Recommendations to the Protection of People Living in Long-term Contaminated Areas after a Nuclear Accident or a Radiation EmergencyICRP Publication 110Adult Reference Computational PhantomsICRP Publication 109Application of the Commission's Recommendations for the Protection of People in Emergency Exposure SituationsICRP Publication 108Environmental Protection - the Concept and Use of Reference Animals and PlantsICRP Publication 107Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric CalculationsICRP Publication 106Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals - Addendum 3 to ICRP Publication 53ICRP Publication 105Radiological Protection in MedicineICRP Publication 104Scope of Radiological Protection Control MeasuresICRP Publication 103 (Users Edition)2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (Users Edition)ICRP Publication 103The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological ProtectionICRP Publication 102Managing Patient Dose in Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT)ICRP Supporting Guidance 5Analysis of the Criteria Used by the ICRP to Justify the Setting of Numerical Protection Level ValuesICRP Publication 101bThe Optimisation of Radiological Protection - Broadening the ProcessICRP Publication 101aAssessing Dose of the Representative Person for the Purpose of the Radiation Protection of the PublicICRP Publication 100Human Alimentary Tract Model for Radiological ProtectionICRP Publication 99Low-dose Extrapolation of Radiation-related Cancer RiskICRP Publication 98Radiation Safety Aspects of Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer using Permanently Implanted SourcesICRP Publication 97Prevention of High-dose-rate Brachytherapy AccidentsICRP Publication 96Protecting People against Radiation Exposure in the Event of a Radiological AttackICRP Supporting Guidance 4Development of the Draft 2005 Recommendations of the ICRP - A Collection of PapersICRP CD3Database for Dose Coefficients: Doses to Infants from Mothers' MilkICRP Publication 95Doses to Infants from Ingestion of Radionuclides in Mothers' MilkICRP Publication 94Release of Patients after Therapy with Unsealed RadionuclidesICRP Publication 93Managing Patient Dose in Digital RadiologyICRP Publication 92Relative Biological Effectiveness, Radiation Weighting and Quality Factor"ICRP Publication 91A Framework for Assessing the Impact of Ionising Radiation on Non-human SpeciesICRP Publication 90Biological Effects after Prenatal Irradiation (Embryo and Fetus)ICRP Publication 89Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data for Use in Radiological Protection Reference ValuesICRP Supporting Guidance 3Guide for the Practical Application of the ICRP Human Respiratory Tract ModelICRP Supporting Guidance 2Radiation and your patient - A Guide for Medical PractitionersICRP CD2Database of Dose Coefficients: Embryo and FetusICRP Publication 88Doses to the Embryo and Fetus from Intakes of Radionuclides by the MotherICRP Publication 87Managing Patient Dose in Computed TomographyICRP Publication 86Prevention of Accidents to Patients Undergoing Radiation TherapyICRP Publication 85Avoidance of Radiation Injuries from Medical Interventional ProceduresICRP Publication 84Pregnancy and Medical RadiationICRP Publication 83Risk Estimation for Multifactorial DiseasesICRP Publication 82Protection of the Public in Situations of Prolonged Radiation ExposureICRP Publication 81Radiation protection recommendations as applied to the disposal of long-lived solid radioactive wasteICRP Publication 80Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals (Addendum to ICRP Publication 53)ICRP Publication 79Genetic Susceptibility to CancerICRP Publication 78Individual Monitoring for Internal Exposure of Workers (preface and glossary missing)ICRP Publication 77Radiological Protection Policy for the Disposal of Radioactive WasteICRP Publication 76Protection from Potential Exposures - Application to Selected Radiation SourcesICRP Publication 75General Principles for the Radiation Protection of WorkersICRP Publication 74Conversion Coefficients for use in Radiological Protection against External RadiationICRP Publication 73Radiological Protection and Safety in MedicineICRP CD1Database of Dose Coefficients: Workers and Members of the PublicICRP Publication 72Age-dependent Doses to the Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides - Part 5 Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation CoefficientsICRP Publication 71Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides - Part 4 Inhalation Dose CoefficientsICRP Publication 70Basic Anatomical & Physiological Data for use in Radiological Protection - The SkeletonICRP Publication 69Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides - Part 3 Ingestion Dose CoefficientsICRP Publication 68Dose Coefficients for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 67Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides - Part 2 Ingestion Dose CoefficientsICRP Publication 66Human Respiratory Tract Model for Radiological ProtectionICRP Publication 65Protection Against Radon-222 at Home and at WorkICRP Publication 64Protection from Potential Exposure - A Conceptual FrameworkICRP Publication 63Principles for Intervention for Protection of the Public in a Radiological EmergencyICRP Publication 62Radiological Protection in Biomedical ResearchICRP Supporting Guidance 1Risks Associated with Ionising RadiationsICRP Publication 61Annuals Limits on Intake of Radionuclides by Workers Based on the 1990 RecommendationsICRP Publication 60 (Users Edition)1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological ProtectionICRP Publication 601990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological ProtectionICRP Publication 59The Biological Basis for Dose Limitation in the SkinICRP Publication 58RBE for Deterministic EffectsICRP Publication 57Radiological Protection of the Worker in Medicine and DentistryICRP Publication 56Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides - Part 1ICRP Publication 55Optimization and Decision Making in Radiological ProtectionICRP Publication 54Individual Monitoring for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 53Radiation Dose to Patients from RadiopharmaceuticalsICRP Publication 52Protection of the Patient in Nuclear Medicine (and Statement from the 1987 Como Meeting of ICRP)ICRP Publication 51Data for Use in Protection against External RadiationICRP Publication 50Lung Cancer Risk from Exposures to Radon DaughtersICRP Publication 49Developmental Effects of Irradiation on the Brain of the Embryo and FetusICRP Publication 48The Metabolism of Plutonium and Related ElementsICRP Publication 47Radiation Protection of Workers in MinesICRP Publication 46Principles for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive WasteICRP Publication 45Developing a Unified Index of HarmICRP Publication 44Protection of the Patient in Radiation TherapyICRP Publication 43Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the PopulationICRP Publication 42A Compilation of the Major Concepts and Quantities in Use by ICRPICRP Publication 41Nonstochastic Effects of Ionizing RadiationICRP Publication 40Protection of the Public in the Event of Major Radiation Accidents - Principles for PlanningICRP Publication 39Principles for Limiting Exposure of the Public to Natural Sources of RadiationICRP Publication 38Radionuclide Transformations - Energy and Intensity of EmissionsICRP Publication 37Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Optimization of Radiation ProtectionICRP Publication 36Protection against Ionizing Radiation in the Teaching of ScienceICRP Publication 35General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection of WorkersICRP Publication 34Protection of the Patient in Diagnostic RadiologyICRP Publication 33Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources Used in MedicineICRP Publication 32Limits for Inhalation of Radon Daughters by WorkersICRP Publication 31Biological Effects of Inhaled RadionuclidesICRP Publication 30 (Supplement B to Part 3)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Supplement A to Part 3)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Supplement to Part 2)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Supplement to Part 1)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Part 4)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers: An Addendum

ICRP Publication 30 (Part 3)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Part 2)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Part 1)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 30 (Index)Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by WorkersICRP Publication 29Radionuclide Release into the Environment - Assessment of Doses to ManICRP Publication 28Principles for Handling Emergency and Accidental Exposures of WorkersICRP Publication 27Problems Involved in Developing an Index of HarmICRP Publication 26Recommendations of the ICRPICRP Publication 25The Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal of Unsealed Radionuclides in Hospitals and Medical Research EstablishmentsICRP Publication 24Radiation Protection in Uranium and Other MinesICRP Publication 23Report on the Task Group on Reference ManICRP Publication 22Implications of Commission Recommendations that Doses be Kept as Low as Readily AchievableICRP Publication 21Data for Protection Against Ionizing from External Sources - Supplement to ICRP Publication 15ICRP Publication 20Alkaline Earth Metabolism in Adult ManICRP Publication 19The Metabolism of Compounds of Plutonium and other ActinidesICRP Publication 18The RBE for High-LET Radiations with Respect to MutagenesisICRP Publication 17Protection of the Patient in Radionuclide InvestigationsICRP Publication 16Protection of the Patient in X-ray DiagnosisICRP Publication 15Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External SourcesICRP Publication 14Radiosensitivity and Spatial Distribution of DoseICRP Publication 13Radiation Protection in Schools for Pupils up to the Age of 18 YearsICRP Publication 12General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection of WorkersICRP Publication 11A Review of the Radiosensitivity of the Tissues in BoneICRP Publication 10AThe Assessment of Internal Contamination Resulting from Recurrent Prolonged UptakesICRP Publication 10Evaluation of Radiation Doses to Body Tissues from Internal Contamination due to Occupational ExposureICRP Publication 9Recommendations of the ICRPICRP Publication 8The Evaluation of Risks from RadiationICRP Publication 7Principles of Environmental Monitoring related to the Handling of Radioactive MaterialsICRP Publication 6Recommendations of the ICRPICRP Publication 5Handling and Disposal of Radioactive Materials in Hospitals and Medical Research EstablishmentsICRP Publication 4Protection Against Electromagnetic Radiation above 3 MeV and Electrons, Neutrons and ProtonsICRP Publication 3Protection Against X-Rays up to 3 MeV and Beta- and Gamma Rays from Sealed SourcesICRP Publication 2Permissible dose for internal radiationICRP Publication 1Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection1959 Decisions1959 Decisions1958 Recommendations1958 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection1956 Recommendations1956 Report on Amendments during 1956 to the 1954 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection1954 Recommendations1954 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection1950 Recommendations1950 International Recommendations on Radiological Protection1937 Recommendations1937 International Recommendations for X-ray and Radium Protection1934 Recommendations1934 International Recommendations for X-ray and Radium Protection1928 Recommendations1928 International Recommendations for X-ray and Radium Protection

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