Codango: ASP Submit A Resource

2014 年 5 月 29 日5240

Submit a Resource RSS File

You are about to submit your Resource RSS file to our Content Support Team for

free monthly monitoring. Please be aware that we will not

automatically add everything that you put in your RSS file to our directory.

Each month we will review the new resources you have added to your RSS file. If

they meet our standards for listing on our site, we will add them. The two most important

standards we look for are that the resources be quality resources and that they be 100% relavent

to the topic of our site.

IMPORTANT: RSS files are commonly used for news syndication; however, please do not

post your RSS news file here. Create and maintain a separate Resource RSS file that is only used to maintain

a list of static resources found on your website... things like products (free or commercial), articles,

tutorials, and references. This is the Resource RSS file we are looking for. Any RSS files that does not meet

this standard will be dropped.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an RSS file? RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication."

RSS is used for a variety of purposes on the Internet, the most popular of which is distributing

news. We use the RSS standard to allow website owners to distribute links for their website

resources to use.

Should I submit the RSS file that I use to distribute news?

No, this is not the RSS file we are looking for here. You should create and maintain a

separate RSS file that only contains a list of static resources found on your website... things

like products (free or commercial), articles, tutorials, and references. This is the Resource

RSS file we are looking for here.

What version of the RSS standard do you support?

We accept RSS files formatted using the v1.0 and above specification.

How do I create an RSS file?

There are lots of tutorials on the web on how to create an RSS file. For a basic tutorial on how

to create an RSS file

see the "Creating your RSS file" tutorial on

the ASPRSS organization's website.

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