RSS Manipulation in ASP

2014 年 4 月 8 日4870

What is RSSmanip?

RSSmanip is a set of scripts that allows webmaster who already generate an RSS feed for their site to dynamically create HTML, HDML, and WML documents based on their RSS feed. Using the Microsoft XML parser (supplied with IE 5) on the server side, you can now enable your site for wireless usage by using those scripts.

Minimum Requirements

I haven’t tested these scripts on multiple platforms but here’s the environment I used to create them:

What files are in

Recently, I’ve started doing some manipulations or RSS file for different presentations. Included in this zip file are three files to do so:


Installing those files is relatively easy.


If you want to redirect WML and HDML browser automatically to the appropriate files, use the following script: acceptHeader = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT") If Instr(acceptHeader, "hdml") 0 Then Response.Redirect "/hdml.asp" Elseif Instr(acceptHeader, "wml") 0 Then Response.Redirect "/wml.asp" End If where /hdml.asp and /wml.asp are the locations or those files (in my example, they’re in the root directory of the server.

Other Version

An earlier version of these scripts allows you to generate code from a RSS 0.91 feed. It is also available for download.

How much does it cost?

RSSmanip is free! If you want to use it, I’d like to receive a link back to from you or receive a donation from you.

Final comments

I’ve created those files for my personal use and am happy to share them with you. However, I do not make any guarantee as to their impact on your server. They seem to work fine on mine when I used them. If you use them, I’d appreciate a link back to Since I moved to a Linux platform in late 2002, I am no longer supporting these scripts.

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