Oxford Computer Consultants

2014 年 2 月 14 日4520

OCC Develops Web-based Applications for Leadership Consultancy

The Thinking Partnership chose OCC as its technical partner to develop 3 web-based applications and a new corporate website. The applications are central to its business.

Army Supply Chain Management

Our consultants developed a new web-fronted system for controlling the spares inventory for the Army Supply Chain Operation Centre (SCOCC).

Supply Chain Marketing System

OCC was commissioned to redesign ABC's supply chain marketing system to co-ordinate and control all aspects of the delivery process and to create an online ordering system for travel agents to locate and order brochures.

Outsourcing eCommerce Portal for Teleworking

An e-Commerce portal for European-wide teleworkers and small businesses to communicate and negotiate service contracts within a quality controlled system.

Inventory Management Database

OCC's database developed for Inventory Management has proved that it need not be a minefield!

Pay-per-print Quotation Tool

Find out about the "Pay-per-print" Quotation Tool OCC developed for Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd, the global electronics company.

CAMP Multimedia Museums

OCC created an interactive, multimedia archive with a search for accessing information and documentation relating to the Holocaust.

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