J L Self Defense Products

2014 年 2 月 11 日3750

The ASP Defender Series has grown from the original Key Defender to the larger Law Enforcement version, the Street Defender. They were so popular that ASP recently came out with the new smaller Palm Defender. These are all lightweight, low profile, easily carried kubaton keyrings that have a hidden feature. They all have 2,000,000 SHU pepper spray ready to fire at the push of a button. The Defender also acts as a traditional kubaton weapon, allowing you to hold the unit and jab the attacker or slash him with the keys. The Palm Defender is only 4-3/8" long, while the Key Defender is 5-3/4" long. Both units are 5/8" in diameter. The Street Defender is a bit larger but it holds more spray. It is 6-3/4" long and 3/4" in diameter. All of the Defenders are available in Black or Silver. Spray is included.

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