domain name reseller, domain resellers, retailers

2014 年 1 月 27 日6240

API Legacy Sample Scripts

These scripts can be installed on your own server or hosting account and used as live reseller web sites or used as examples to get you started creating your own site.

URL Interface COM Object

URL Interface COM Object

eNom's URL Interface allows clients to access our domain name registration features from their own systems. This document will describe how to interface programmatically. For a description of using the Interface in a Windows environment using the supplied COM object, see the document "URL Interface COM Object".

Email Registration

Email Registration Form Template

The HTTP Protocol

The server side of this protocol is simply an asp page running on IIS. Although it is a web page, it is not meant to be accessed directly by your users. It is meant to be accessed from your back end program running on your web site. This is just to make it easier for you to develop an interface to it.

When building and testing your scripts you need to connect to "". This is a test environment set up exclusively for test data. To begin live transactions you will need to connect to "".

HTTP requests are TCP connections to port 80 on the given server. After you connect to the server, the HTTP request is sent as follows (example URL string shown):

GET /interface.asp?command=check&tld=com&sld=mydomain HTTP/1.0

The URL string parameter will be described below. After you send the request, the response will come back in the following format (example data shown):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 20:05:54 GMT

Content-Type: text/html


Cache-control: private



RRPText=Domain name available


The header information may vary. A blank line signals the end of the headers. The page is simply a list of name=value pairs (if debugging is activated on the server, there may be additional text before the name=value pairs. This can be ignored. Start parsing data when you receive an '=' char in the line). The server closes the connection after it sends the page.


The GET request requires that all parameters be passed in the URL. The URL in the GET request will always start with:


If you are using the URLInterface.dll object for Windows you will need to follow this syntax when using the object:

Set Enom = Server.CreateObject( "Enom.EnomURL" )

Use the AddParam function to build the querystring. The first value is the param name and the second is the value:

Enom.AddParam "UID", Session( "loginid" )

Enom.AddParam "PW", Session( "password" )

Enom.AddParam "SLD", "Second level name"

Enom.AddParam "TLD", "Top level name"

Then submit the request with the DoRequest function. This is the command name:

Enom.DoRequest "PURCHASE"

Parse the Response by calling the Enom.Response( "Param name" ) function. And finally close the object:

Set Enom = Nothing

Click here for a list of commands, all possible parameters, and their use.

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