科学网[转载]3rd International Conference on Plant Metabolism

2013 年 11 月 24 日4460

3rd International Conference on Plant Metabolism

July 2-5, 2014



Program: The conference will be held on July 2-5, 2014. The conference topics cover biosynthetic pathways and regulation of terpenoids, alkanoids and phenylpropanoids, primary metabolism, metabolomics and analytic technologies, enzyme structure and function, metabolic engineering and other related subjects. The conference program includes oral and poster presentations. Some speakers will be selected from poster abstracts submitted to the conference. Attendants who are selected for oral presentation by the scientific advisory board will be exempted from registration fee. The full program details will be available online by March 15.

Thanks to http://http://www.zjjv.com//.cn/s/blog_7137c1090101gbnx.html



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