Inside the Great Wall:Hong Kong/China Property Daily【行业研究】

2013 年 11 月 15 日3840

Hainan Province to start forfeiting land idled for 2 years, effective on 1-Nov;Effective on 1-Nov-2013, Hainan Province will start forfeiting land that havebeen idled for over 2 years due to reasons other than governmental or planningreasons without any compensation. As reported by JRJ, currently the area ofidled land in Hainan is over 130,000mu, (c. 86.7mn sqkm), which is equivalentto over 2 years of total supply in the province. The arrangements are scheduledto be completely done by Jun-2014. (JRJ)
PBoC conducted Rmb13bn of 7-day reverse-repo operations;
According to traders, after the 2-week break the PBoC had today recommencedits 7-day reverse repo operations with Rmb13bn. Rmb6bn ofNotes will mature this week, if no further repo operations were conducted forthe remainder of the week then Rmb6bn liquidity will be injected into thebanking system. (JRJ)
Shanghai FTZ's financial reform may include raising deposit rate cap;
According to JRJ, the financial reforms (currently unannounced) that will becarried out in the Shanghai FTZ will include raising the cap for Rmb depositsheld in the zone, allowing financial institutions in the FTZ to trade freely on theShanghai Stock Exchange and Futures Exchange. Shanghai Mayor YangXiong commented that the FTZ is running smoothly 1 month after opening,and the 4 financial reforms (open up capital accounts, cross-border Rmbremittance, interest rate liberalization and Forex management reforms) will berolled out in a timely and progressive manner. (JRJ)MLR aims to implement rural land remediation and urban redevelopment onpublic consent;
Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) issued documents seeking publicopinions on rural land remediation and urban redevelopment, aiming todevelop the areas on the consent of the citizens. Affected public should be onvoluntary basis to accept the changes, and projects have to gain more than90% consent of those affected. (Guandian)“The Austin” to be launched latest 80 units today at ASP of HK$25,800psf;
“The Austin” developed by Wheelock (0020.HK), NWD (0017.HK), and MTR(0066.HK) has been received more than 1,600 tickets of reservation and will belaunched by today at ASP of HK$25,800psf. Among that, company buyersaccounted for around 20% of the prospective buyers. The developer willprovide up to 18.5% discount of the housing price while the asking price hasbeen increased up to 9% compared with previous batch. (Sing Tao)Sino Land’s “Park Metropolitan” to be launched 90 units this Friday withdiscount up to 18%;
Sino Land’s (0083.HK) “Park Metropolitan” will be launched total of 90 units bythis Friday from minimal asking price of HK$5.5mn and with discount up to18% of the housing price. The project has been received 150 tickets ofreservation, 1.6x of the first batch of 90 units. (Sing Tao)

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