How to best dataload an ASP/.NET application for l…

2013 年 10 月 15 日3940

This is a question more directed for Loadrunner clients. I have been tasked with prepping a ASP.NET application for loadtesting by inserting 100,000 records. This application is a hiring system with candidate applications. So I need to insert 100,000 fake applications as fast as possible. Right now, I've been running Loadrunner scripts that insert applications during off hours but I only can get about 2,000 applications/day inserted. I've also looked into SQL Data Generator by Redgate but the problem is the application has so much data dependencies(ie, you have to have data populated in many tables to have an applicant's application show up correctly on the 'dashboard' of the application. Otherwise, we get errors). The application also has to have specific values(ie, lookup values in other tables). I fumbled it with it for 2 days and ran into several issues with data dependencies. I just want to hear from other LR clients especially ones that have dealt with dataloading with ASP.NET web applications on how have they approaced massive data population on an application they want to load tested please. Thanks so much.

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